From Hot Air:
Mark Halperin has the clip, which is ironic since he described Ayers with the same polite euphemism yesterday that The One’s ad team uses here (George Will thankfully was there to correct him).
Conventional political wisdom demands a forceful response to a forceful attack, but even so, I can’t quite believe Obama would throw fuel on the Ayers thing by running a reply ad. His argument is so weak that it doesn’t really qualify as an argument: Yes, we’re friendly, but it’s ancient history and I denounced what he did, so what’s the big deal about socializing with, um, an unrepentant terrorist?
As for the submoronic point about Ayers’s crimes having been committed when Obama was eight — a staple of the left’s feeble defense of him on this subject — imagine what the reaction would be if Bobby Jindal, say, had struck up a chummy pen pal correspondence with Charles Manson while in his late 20s. Think the left might find that relevant to his character? Think the fact that Jindal wasn’t even born when Manson’s crimes were committed would get him off the hook? Of course not, because as even an eight-year-old can understand, the salient point isn’t how old Obama was when the crimes were committed, it’s how old he was when he formed the moral judgment that led him to associate with Ayers in the first place.
The response from McCain HQ:
“The fact that Barack Obama chose to launch his political career at the
home of an unrepentant terrorist raises more questions about Senator Obama’s
judgment than any TV ad ever could. And the fact that he’s launching his own
Convention by defending his long association with a man who says he didn’t bomb
enough U.S. targets tells us more about Barack Obama than any of tonight’s
speeches will.”
–McCain spokesman Brian Rogers
via Gateway Pundit - Michelle Malkin verbally assaulted and physically threatened by Alex Jones
video link
Jones identifies himself on this video and clearly postures himself to intimidate while inciting mob violence against petite Michelle.
Jones should be arrested for incitement, assault and battery. He presents a clear and present danger to society.
I agree. He did seem to be inciting mob violence against Michelle.
I was impressed with Michelle's handling of the situation.
I considered posting on the subject.
However, you know what? I've been the victim of that kind of mob as well, with people swelling around me and screaming in my face (and I had my two year-old daughter in my arms at the time), and I dealt with it.
The fact is, this is America and that asshole Jones, or whatever his name is, has the right to say the things he said.
To attempt to prosecute him would be to get into the area of thoughtcrime.
Perhaps, I am being too lenient. I'm not sure.
Who is Alex Jones?!
Who is Alex Jones?
I don't know.
He repeats the name of his blog about a thousand times while verbally assaulting Michelle Malkin.
Clearly, he wanted publicity, and I don't want to give him any. He's a freak and a loser.
What a terrible thing to do to anybody, let alone to a woman. What a shame!
Yeah, Alex Jones isn't exactly a chivalrous knight in shining armor, is he?
But, Michelle is a big girl (for such a tiny woman).
Michelle is a great woman.
As for Alex, behaving without chivalry, if there is any decadance in West, that is it!
If she is not ready for prime time she should just stay home and make tuna fish sandwiches.
She chose other. She demonstrated by her words in public and associations over 20 years - her dislike for this nation, and her dislike and disrespect not for a bunch of white crackers out lynching in sheets, but for the people, who are "downright mean" and "holding on to ignorance", and of whom she coul dnot be proud until HER HUSBAND with THAT belief set was leading the race for prez.
Fine, no problem.
But you then have to be accountable.
No shelter, no chivalry, no exceptions.
If she wants to be the real deal, she gets the real deal.
We're talking about Michelle Malkin, not Obama.
You ought to see the video (available at Gateway Pundit) of this freak Alex Jones verbally assaulting Michelle Malkin.
Malkin handles herself with grace and dignity the whole time.
Ahhhhh, ok.
Have you seen the back end of her books with the emails she gets?
I was not talking about their opinions, I was talking about the right to say your opinion without people «jumping» on you.
Pastorius - I would not prosecute ***** for his "verbal" assault, with that I agree. Free speech is protected - to a point. When shouting "fire" in a crowded theatre inciting a tragedy like a deadly stampede - and there is no fire - then it's no longer protected speech.
If you watch that video again, he is clearly and feverishly inciting the crowd to chase and intimidate her. He successfully manages to move a fairly large and aggressive crowd (the agressiveness is visible in the jostling taken by the videographer)and the grisly voice shouting "kill her" can be heard in the whipped up fury hailed at her - his speech went over the line. We are not under sharia yet.
She was remarkably calm - look how steady her hand is when she raises it to stop him.
This publicity monger's posture was intentionally intimidating and clearly focused on whipping up an angry mob to violence. Recreate '68?
Again, I say this attention seeking neanderthal presents a clear and present danger and should be removed from Denver streets for the duration of the Dem convention.
If you watch that video again, he is clearly and feverishly inciting the crowd to chase and intimidate her. He successfully manages to move a fairly large and aggressive crowd (the agressiveness is visible in the jostling taken by the videographer)and the grisly voice shouting «kill her» can be heard in the whipped up fury hailed at her - his speech went over the line. We are not under sharia yet.
Christ! What a fanaticism!
She had the right to state her opinions without having to experience such uncivilized reactions.
You said: this attention seeking neanderthal presents a clear and present danger and should be removed from Denver streets for the duration of the Dem convention.
I say: With that I think I would have to agree. He needs a timeout.
I agree that he was trying to incite the crowd. That's my opinion, based upon what I saw of his actions on that videotape, but it remains an opinion based upon a psychological analysis (thoughtcrime).
Michelle Malkin ought to get a restraining order against him, and sue him in civil court.
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