Sunday, August 16, 2009

Hey, You Guys Brought Him Up

Some things are too hot to touch
The Human mind can only stand so much. . .

Oh yeah

Bob Dylan
Things Have Changed


Pastorius said...

As Babba says, "The Prophet Zimmy."

midnight rider said...

Yup :)

Michael Travis said...

"In Jersey everything's legal, as long as you don't get caught," (Zimmy in the Wilburys)

Good natured cops!

However, there was no legal basis for his arrest (and yes....only powers of arrest can be used to "take him into custody")

Welcome to the Kingdom of Draconia.

Pastorius said...

I've been treated like this by cops numerous times.

I've never actually been arrested, but I've had cops tell me to go home, leave their city, etc. I've been ticketed for violations I did not commit.

The reason? Cuz, I looked suspicious. I had long hair, shabby clothes, and I drove an old Primer-Gray car.

And, by the way, my response to the Police, every time they harrassed me, was to say "Thank you for your time, Officer."

Which is the way Dylan handled it.

The way Gates handled it is ridiculous. There's never any reason to talk to a cop that way. Not only is it immoral, but it is stupid. Cops have the right to take you in for Disturbing the Peace. it's their call.

As you mention, Dylan was not even accused of that.

Anonymous said...

What? NO screaming "this is what happens to Jewish men in Amerikka?"

No screaming "you don't know who you're messing with?"

Wow. Acted just like the rest of us typical white people who got harassed by cops - polite and cooperative.

And yes, I have been harassed by cops (not lately - they are nicer if you have little kids with you).

I read the story online - may or may not be true, but when the young pup cops brought him in, the police at the station house "vouched" for him.

Can't you just hear it - "DUDE - you just hauled in BOB DYLAN you freakin' brainiac." "So, so sorry Mr. Dylan, where can we take you?"

I woulda LOVED to have been there.

The piece also said that he was really pleasant and very understanding.

Anywhoo, Dylan sounds like a complete class act - in every way.
