From Babba:
That's Jewsus and his Whip Akbar!Next time someone asks you, "What would Jesus do?" Tell them that sometimes, the answer is:Make a whipScream and yellAnd chase all the assholes out of the temple courtyard
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Please tell me this is in response to this video and that you guys aren't turning clairvoyant.
Wherein Ed Schultz Finds Religion and asks What Would Jesus Do at 5:20 (h/t Hot Air)
Try not to spit out your drink. . .
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Yeah, no kidding.
I don't always understand it, but I always read it.
So I'll ask - just what exactly is a "Glow Ball?"
Glow Ball
As in, all the superstitious leaders of our nations are sitting around in a circle at a seance table staring into the Glow Ball, trying to find answers in the supernatural aligning of the peoples of the world.
Get it?
in the case of this post, for instance, to me it is rather clear that is Yeshua were on the planet right now, he'd chase all the GlowBallists out of the UN, and out of Jerusalem.
Maybe he wouldn't bother with the UN. He'd just kick the Glow Ballists out of Jerusalem, and then let the UN people eat themselves alive.
He'd just kick the Glow Ballists out of Jerusalem, and then let the UN people eat themselves alive.
Lol. And yup, I agree. He would've made a whip and drove 'em out!
He'd just kick the Glow Ballists out of Jerusalem, and then let the UN people eat themselves alive.
S'gonna happen!
You will see!
Babba - I am curious about your "Jewsus." It startled me to see his pic on the site of the "Outraged Spleen of Zion."
It seems you believe that he was a guy who challenged the formal religious hierarchy while advocating a relationship with God based on personal relationhip / responsibility to Him and not just formalized ritual.
(Although I do note that he told Jews to "do what they tell you, but don't do what they do" about the Pharisees. So he did not advocate abandoning "Temple Judaism" at all.)
Is that a fair summary?
I will take the Liberty of speaking for Babba, since I don't know if she will come back and answer.
She is a Jewish believer in Yeshua Moshiach, which means Jesus the Messiah.
Oh, OK - thanks.
Jesus was a very VERY Jewish man
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