Friday, August 14, 2009

Quick Daddy, Barack killed grandma !

Well the Senate removed the Death Panels from the bill before them.

Thus proving an apt phrase which captures the inner spirit and reality of even the obscure and buried in details, and also matches the concerns of Americans overwhelms any marketing attempt by the other side.

Of course, the marketing meme IS the problem. Those people who tried to obscure the Death Panel's sickening impact, simply regard marketing as one item in the armementarium against darkness.


What has been revealed by the progressives' onslaught is that while the republicans, such as they were, regarded the AXIS OF EVIL as 'them', to the progressives, 'them' is US. The elegant and tortuously delivered apologia for this new 'them' and what 'they' did to others around the world by this admin demonstrates all too clearly the priority of commonality. The critical progressives feel more with the 'put upon' victims of 'them' around the world, then they do with their political opposite fellows here, the new 'them'.

And now this 'them' turned up at the congress members' own victorious town halls, ruining the parade of social engineering with which we were all supposed to celebrate our initiation into compulsory equality of misery, except for certain more equal species members, like congress. And who was this new 'them' who was discovered? The folks worried they were going to be grandma, and worried over grandma. THE MOB?

Why else do you think they were SO ANGRY in the admin, in congress, among the elites? What was the matter with these 'older white malcontents'? Couldn't they see what was better for them, thought up by their more knowledgeable countrymen?

Now get rid of the government Walmart medical plan choice, and instead insist on a free market in medical insurance nationwide. REPUBS GET LOUD, the media is not going to help you just in case you actually DO have ideas.

GrandmasHands[1].jpgHere is the ACTUAL wording, by a bioethicist advisor to the admin, Rahm Emmanuel's brother ..Ezekiel from the British Medical Journal The Lancet. Think about the philosophies which must underly this kind of thought.

Unlike allocation by sex or race, allocation by age is not invidious discrimination; every person lives through different life stages rather than being a single age. Even if 25-year-olds receive priority over 65-year-olds, everyone who is 65 years now was previously 25 years.Treating 65-year olds differently because of stereotypes or falsehoods would be ageist; treating them differently because they have already had more life-years is not.

Everyone ready for 2010 and the effort to rid ourselves of these meddlesome creatures?


Always On Watch said...

Everyone ready for 2010 and the effort to rid ourselves of these meddlesome creatures?

When my paranoia runs high, I think that BHO will suspend the elections because of rowdy dissenters.

Can't happen in America?

Well, under BHO a lot of things had happened that we'd never thought could happen.

Remember I said that sometimes I get paranoid.

Always On Watch said...

Will BHO legalize all the illegals in time for 2010? For 2012?

e of usa said...

There is nothing the current lot of libs would like better than to be rid of the WWII generation. The ones that fought and died for America by their own choice. The ones that lived the dream and know America is the greatest nation because they sacrificed to make it so. The ones that work(ed) hard and lived by the rules and are proud to be Americans. I think they (and anyone else with half a brain) should be extremely unhappy with the current situation we as Americans find ourselves in.

Pastorius said...

I don't trust the government as far as I can throw it.

Why would I ever trust them to make decisions about my healthcare.

Insurance companies are bad enough.

But, at least within the context of an insurance company, you have a compassionate intermediary, in the form of a Doctor who is sworn to the Hippocratic Oath.

In addition, you always have the option to go to another Dr. and pay, outside the insurance system.

With government healthcare, you will not have such an option, as the government will, inevitably, control everything.

XStryker said...

You people will believe anything they tell you.

Epaminondas said...

xstryker... I QUOTED Emanuel... are you saying he can't be trusted?

He, besides being a presidential adviser on the proposed health care, and Rahm's brother is a HIGHLY respected bioethicist with a long history.

So what is it in his article FREELY AVAILABLE, and DIRECTLY QUOTED you think we are being 'fed'?