Tuesday, April 06, 2010

SIOA Action Alert: Rally to Protect the Christians of Nigeria Against Islamic Jihad

Nigerian christians

Nigerian Christian pilgrims holding Israeli flags attend a mass in Jerusalem's old city. BBC

SIOA (Stop the Islamisation of America) is proud to join the Jubilee Campaign in support and solidarity for the Christians in Jos, Nigeria, who are threatened and murdered by jihad. Numerous incidents have occurred in recent years when Christians were mindlessly slaughtered in religiously motivated violence. Read more here.

If you live in or near New York City, a rally will be held for Nigeria's Christians on April 7 at the Permanent Mission of Nigeria, 2nd Avenue and 44th Street.Sioa towers

On Wednesday, April 7th from 4:45 pm on, religious, civic and human rights leaders of many faiths and backgrounds will gather in front of the Nigerian Consulate in New York City to raise their voices of conscience about the continuing massacres of Christians as well as the ongoing barbaric persecution of non-Muslim minorities by jihadists in Nigeria and elsewhere across the globe.

While there are no official figures yet to confirm the numbers killed in the March 7th Massacre of Christians in Nigeria, we do know that many of the victims were children, women and the elderly. They were hacked to death, beheaded, and set on fire. Those arrested reportedly belong to the Muslim Fulani terror group.

A press conference is expected to take place from 4:30-5:00 PM.The rally, sponsored by members of Action Alliance, First Things, and the Institute for Religion and Democracy, begins directly after the press conference and will run until 7:00 PM.

Please join us and fight Islamic jihad.

Nigerian christians.jpg2

Screen shot Jan 2010 Muslim slaughter Chrsitians- 460 dead in Nigerian city


Damien said...


I'm glad that there are groups out there dedicated to fighting Jihadists like this.

Pastorius said...


Pamela at Atlas Shrugs is heading up this group. Let her know of your appreciation.