Thursday, August 21, 2008

Biden, Huh?

The rumors are floating that Obama will/has chosen Joe Biden to be his Veep.

Oh, really? Cuz, of course, everyone has so much respect for the plagiarist, Joe Biden.

I received the following email from a reader today. I agree with the analysis here:

Is it just me or is it weird that the newswires are full of stories
about how Biden is somehow the 'favorite' or '#1 choice' for the (D) VP
slot? Obama hasn't announced it yet and plans to this weekend, as far as
I can tell. Surely he will want maximum fanfare, coverage and hype
when he does. So if he had really settled on Biden why would he leak
that fact prior to the announcement, and sap the announcement of some of
its power?

Here's my prediction/interpretation: Not Biden. Obama has chosen
someone else. Meanwhile, they have leaked Biden's name to

(a) throw people off the scent and maximize the real pick's prep time
(like when the manager goes to the mound and has a long 'discussion'
with the pitcher, but really he knows he's taking that pitcher out, he's
just trying to give the incoming relief pitcher as much time to warm

(b) associate Obama with Biden's name if only slightly to increase his
foreign policy 'gravitas' ("well at least he hangs around with
experienced guys like Biden, remember he almost picked him for VP?"...),
because for some reason Biden is considered to have foreign policy gravitas
(I don't understand why at all, but it does seem to be the case).

And finally - most importantly -
(c) make his *real* choice (a woman?) seem "bold" and "unexpected" and
"a surprise", in particular to newscasters/talking heads, when he
announces it this weekend. (Like when Gore chose Lieberman.) It will be "a
surprise", of course, because (the strategy seems to go) we will all
supposedly have been expecting Biden due to these weirdly artificial and
planted news stories.

Well, we'll know whether I'm right soon enough.


iraqwarwrong said...

You guys is to much. Obama will pick WHO HE WANTS to pick and it will be a brillent choice either way. Which I applaud him.

Or (oh I get it) you don't think he shoudl be able to chose at all. Yes that's right let's back to the Jim crows days. Tipical dhingers.

Pastorius said...

Oh yeah? Go ahead with the name-calling. That's what you lefties do when you don't have any ideas.

Typical lefty.


Pastorius said...

Well, the thing about Obama and Biden working together is they can both plagiarize each other, and then they'll start talking in circles.

Their campaign will be like one of those Escher drawings where everything is self-referential and nothing makes sense.

It'll be awesome to behold.