Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Little Light Hurts

Ummah Pulse:

The programme in question was "The Choice" - a series in which veteran reporter Michael Buerk interviews a person who has made some sort of life-altering decision. The subject in question for this week's interview was none other than Geert Wilders - the extreme right wing Dutch politician known for his exceptionally nasty views on Islam and Muslims that appear to have captured the popular imagination in the Netherlands.


Of course Wilders gets away with it all by deploying a simple yet effective tactic. Whilst your average bovver booted skinhead will tell you, as he stamps your face in, how much he hates Islam and all Muslims; Wilders is a bit more cunning. He lets it be known far and wide how much he hates Islam but despite continually quoting seemingly negative statistics about Muslim birth rates, Muslim crime rates, Muslim employment rates etc, Wilders says that he has nothing against Muslims... nothing of course except that which makes us Muslims - namely Islam. This sort of circular argument is a bit like saying to a black person that whilst you hate their skin colour, you have nothing against them personally.

[Emphasis mine.]

No, it isn't. One doesn't have the option of picking a skin color; religion, at least in the West, is a matter of choice. Islam in practice (see Saudi Arabia and Iran) brings gender apartheid, intolerance of the West and xenophobia to the table. A Muslim ought not be respected if s/he continues to believe in the "morality" of sharia.

And that's why most Muslims don't defend these aspects. Often, such as in this case, they react to the blunt criticism of Islam by yelling racism!

1 comment:

Pastorius said...

I have nothing against Muslims as human beings.

However, I do have a problem with their beliefs that

1) gay ought to be stoned to death
2) adulterers should be put to death
3) apostates should be put to death
4) women are half a person in a court of law
5) women should be chained up in burqas
6) Infidels ought to be converted, taxed at a higher rate, or killed.