Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The new Russia ..hey, Georgia is Serbia, Ossetia is Bosnia, we're just saving lives, NATO, and stopping Genocide

'We're just like you, guys ! And it's only your cultural arrogance which permits you to attack us'

These boys know what they are doing. They understand the west very well.
Each act, each tactic and strategy to deal with us which justifies their plans, and then their acts hearkens back so very perfectly

Today Drudge has no word of Georgia, and just like that, it's gone. That is their cue to press the long term while we, as usual, wonder about Britney's panties or how much it will hurt to fill the tank.

Except the effort to overthrow a democratically elected govt, and an ally of the USA proceeds.

Despite pledges to be out in less than 48 hours from right now:

Russia signed a cease-fire with Georgia on Saturday, but since then, its troops have appeared to be digging in rather than pulling back after the fighting over the rebel province of South Ossetia.

A FOX News crew on the ground in Georgia described the Russians as "crack and combat ready,"

Here is your reality ...WSJ today, the Russian Foreign Minister:

America Must Choose


Between Georgia and Russia

August 20, 2008

In some Western nations an utterly one-sided picture has been painted of the recent crisis in the Georgia-South Ossetia conflict. The statements of American officials would lead one to conclude that the crisis began when Russia sent in its troops to support its peacekeepers there.

Meticulously avoided in those statements: The decision of Tbilisi to use crude military force against South Ossetia in the early hours of Aug. 8. The Georgian army used multiple rocket launchers, artillery and air force to attack the sleeping city of Tskhinvali.

..............In this instance, Russia used force in full conformity with international law, its right of self-defense, and its obligations under the agreements with regard to this particular conflict. Russia could not allow its peacekeepers to watch acts of genocide committed in front of their eyes, as happened in the Bosnian city of Srebrenica in 1995.

OK boyz. I get it. We still have troops there and you would like to KEEP your troops inside the democratic nation of Georgia delivering a message, we stupid morons must accept, since as idiotic do gooders we wasted our shot in Bosnia and Kosovo attempting to do right, rather than cynically seek a poltical, military and economically advantaged place to do so.


Okay Barack, here's YOUR shot, Mr. Neo Isolationist, whatever the people want, bring'em home now.


We'll leave the never ending fever swamp in Europe of the now wahabbized freaks in Bosnia and Kosovo in a week. You must leave Georgia. Now.

Take Serbia and jam it, Pootey poot. We'll play that act of this stupid game that doesn't exist.

You want us to choose between Russia and Georgia?

We'll take Georgia and the Ukraine. Georgia, where the elected govt and its responsible people managed since independence to rid themselves with american help of the terror sanctuary of Pankisi Gorge where the Chechen wahabbi freaks were causing the Russians some indigestion

One thing we know from standing toe to toe with you people from 1948-1988 armed to the teeth.

You people love your children and you are not going to incinerate them over this kind of thing. Neither are we. So let's get real. Take Serbia, and that mess.

See you around, Vlad.

Next time.

1 comment:

WATCHER71 said...

It does seem counter intuitive to think that Russia would allow her cities to be incinerated over this...We can only hope this is more a game of chess rather than a game bulldog...Either way we have to stand with and support Georgia. If we don't we will see a repetition and eventually a move on a Nato country with the escalation that implies. A conventional response/attack on Russia is so, so far beyond our joint capabilities (IMHO). Maybe we will be lucky and the Russian 'people' will intervene and bring about a 'change' of leadership...although from what I see, they seem quite supportive.