Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Oh just perfect...Rafsanjani:Iran wants FUSION


Rafsanjani: Iran Beginning Work On Nuclear Fusion

Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani

Iranian Expediency Council chairman Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani has announced that Iran is at the beginning of the first stage of nuclear fusion.


He said, "Nuclear fusion is more important and healthier than the nuclear fission presently in use."

Speaking to a gathering of student political activists, he said that the West would again confront Iran for using nuclear fusion, but that "since we are still at the early stage they will not confront us (now)."
He added that Iran must obtain advanced technologies like the U.S., Russia, China, and Japan in order to reduce the technological gap between it and these countries, and in order to "break the monopoly of global powers over advanced technology."

Dancing in the dark, when the tune ends we're dancing in the dark......

Maybe "O" man can talk them out of it when he sees them.

1 comment:

WATCHER71 said...

A world in which Iran has Icbm's is the begining of the end game. The present tactic of Terrorism and insurgency has lacked the backup of an openly supportive state actor. Iran will fill that void by possessing nuclear missiles with global reach. Iran's battlespace will be your front door.

Muslims are confident that we, the infidel will not move, decisively on the threat, until it is to late.