Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Ramadan Coca-Cola

The crescent moon and star — yes, the same symbol featured on the flags of so many Muslim countries — is an internationally-recognized symbol of the Islamic faith in much the same way as the cross represents Christianity and the star of David Judaism. When I learned the symbol of the Islamic faith will appear on Coca-Cola packaging during Ramadan 2008, I found myself wondering whether or not the Atlanta-based soft drink maker will soon include the Christian cross and Jewish star of David in future holiday packaging designs targeting people of those faiths....
Bob McCarty has the details, HERE and HERE.

I tell you this: I had better not find any Coca-Cola cans bearing the star and crescent in my pantry! I doubt that I will, because these oh-so-special Ramadan Coca-Colas (September 1-30 this year) are limited to the Middle East and Africa. For now.


Brooke said...

Dammit, I love Diet Coke, too.

Um, I thought the Islamists were supposed to fast during Ramadan. How will they be drinking Evil Western Coke?

Dhimmitude is disgusting, even if it is in the name of capitalism.

Damien said...


From what I hear, Muslims are supposed to fast during the day on Ramadan, but traditionally they feast at night. What doesn't make sense is a true believer in Allah's Cause buying coke in the first place, since it comes from an Infidel land.

Damien said...

Always On Watch,

What should we do if any of us find any Ramadan Coke in our pantries? That is the question.

WC said...

Will the imams allow the cans to be tossed into a trash heap? Remember the world cup controversy with the Saudi flag included in the ad for the World Cup?

Epaminondas said...

It's because the arabs control coke, pepsi, intel, the US govt and all the banks and media !

Time to riot and blow ourselves up

Always On Watch said...

At my site, Mr. Beamish suggested the following:

Fairly easy to pee in the cans you know are bound for Dar al-Irhab.

Beamish in 08

Always On Watch said...

Stepping on the cans would be an affront to Allah. You know how Moslems are about showing them the sole of your shoe.

Always On Watch said...

Coca-Cola is a Zionist plot???

Epaminondas said...

Of course. So is my schvantz