Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Russia, Georgia, 1938

This Russia/Georgia thing is directly related to Iran, in my opinion. The UNSC is putting pressure on Iran, led by the U.S. and the Europeans. Russia drags their feet, and more often, outright opposes, such pressure.

The Telegraph and other UK papers have, in the past, clearly stated that the Georgia pipeline is very important to Europe because it represents oil that doesn't go through Russia.

I believe Russia is trying to create a situtation in which the Europeans have no choice but to follow the Russian lead, and I am convinced that Russia (and China) are using Iran as a proxy to attack America.

I don't think Russia or China much care about Israel, but they will let the Muslims do what they want with regard to Israel.
And, I will remind you, recently, the FAA declared limits on the amount of Jewish travel into the United States. Where else could Jews go in a time of trouble?
Holocaust, anyone? All aboard, the train leaves in five minutes.

Is this the world we want to live in? We must decide now. War is upon us.


WATCHER71 said...

Good find with that Telegraph article...So it's non Russian gas/oil flowing through them....and so the picture becomes clearer.

Epaminondas said...

Russia and China would do very well do ponder that Israel has enough nuclear weapons, that if they used them all (200 is the low end estimate) they would be at the threshold of many scientists' estimates of what it would take to trigger nuclear winter.

That makes them MORONS

Pastorius said...

And, as I understand it, Israel has them pointed everywhere. They know who their enemies are. They aren't stupid.

Russia and China are not at all wise to play the game they are playing.

Samson will pull the walls down.