Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Save Georgia

I am going to post this whole thing, because it summarizes quite nicely the situation in Georgia and the Pres Candidates. Specifically, how WRONG Obama is. Again it's his inability to give a straight right answer to begin with that is very worrisome. It's only after a few attempts, once he realizes what appears to be agreed upon, that he changes his mind. All the while McCain, like his view on the surge and domestic oil, already had the RIGHT answer. How much longer is Obama going to be given the free ride from not only the press, but from his own supporters? Stop lying to yourselves on account of skin color. Guilt = Destruction.

McCain, not Obama, was right about Georgia

STEVE HUNTLEY shuntley.cst@gmail.com

Mention Georgia a few days ago, and most of us would have thought of the state evoked so sweetly in "Georgia on My Mind," the classic tune sung by Ray Charles. Very few of us had heard of the South Ossetia province of Georgia, the nation with the misfortune to have Russia as its neighbor, until war broke out last week.

Like Kosovo, Bosnia, Kuwait and other unfamiliar places before, Ossetia reminds us that a small, remote corner of the globe can explode into an international crisis. One who was up to speed on Georgia and the menace it faced from Russia was veteran Sen. John McCain. He had visited the Caucasian nation three times in a dozen years. When fighting erupted, the presumptive Republican presidential candidate got on the phone to gather details and issued a statement Friday summarizing the situation, tagging Russia as the aggressor and demanding it withdraw its forces from the sovereign territory of Georgia.

It took first-term Sen. Barack Obama three tries to get it right. Headed for a vacation in Hawaii, the presumed Democratic candidate for commander in chief issued an even-handed statement, urging restraint by both sides. Later Friday, he again called for mutual restraint but blamed Russia for the fighting. The next day his language finally caught up with toughness of McCain's.



moderationist said...

The American Civil War was fought specifically to fight "breakaways". If the democrats had succeeded in the South breaking away, this country never would have had the power to confront tyranny. The Soviets are surrounded with totalitarian muslim countries, and Georgia would soon be totalitarian muslim hellhole.

Pastorius said...

There have been quite a few commenters here at IBA who have floated that theory.

Can you give us any links to support it?

Pastorius said...

There have been quite a few commenters here at IBA who have floated that theory.

Can you give us any links to support it?

Pastorius said...

That's a very good point.

I am definately suspicious.

That's one reason I am not writing on this subject.

moderationist said...

The Soviets may well be the only force strong enough and vicious enough to stand up to the greatest threat ever to Western Civilization.

Pastorius said...

If it wouldn't have been for the Soviets we would not have won WWII.

I agree with you, my friend.

moderationist said...

Even if Georgia is sincere, what defenses do they have over muslims pouring over their borders and gradually seizing power? America has no defenses over illegals pouring over our borders.

Anonymous said...

the Russian Fed would of course fight off Muslims ... but Russia would do the same to us or to anyone else... They rule in a similar fashion, killing all who criticize... And what of their continued support of Iran? They along with China are purposely using Iran against us to help destabilize the area and keep our military stretched. What say you of Russian/Iran? Georgie and the others did not separate because of the belief in a theocracy... just like Russia is NOT attacking because of separatists or "muslims"... what about the Energy Wars?

moderationist said...

i admit i don't have a clue