Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Should Barack Obama's patriotism be questioned?

Was Paul Robeson a patriot?

"It is unthinkable that American Negroes will go to war on behalf of those who have oppressed us for generations... against a country [the Soviet Union] which in one generation has raised our people to the full dignity of mankind."

In March of 1950, NBC cancelled Robeson's scheduled appearance on former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt's television program, Today with Mrs. Roosevelt. A spokesman for NBC declared that Robeson would never appear on NBC. Press releases of the Civil Rights Congress objected that "censorship of Mr. Robeson's appearance on TV is a crude attempt to silence the outstanding spokesman for the Negro people in their fight for civil and human rights" and that our "basic democratic rights are under attack under the smoke-screen of anti-Communism." Protesters picketed NBC offices and protests arrived from numerous public figures, organizations and others
But you had better read it all. It is not disputable that Mr. Robeson was a fierce and correct fighter for civil rights and equal opportunity, but there is more to this. It is one thing to dislike the LACK of equal opportunity, and fight to change it, it is another to hate that system which permitted such a thing (and it's extinguishment) to that degree which necessitates fundamental change. Or is it?

Robeson is an extreme example, but the principle is the same

If someone's dissatisfaction with the system is so profound that his or her vision of a better place conflicts dramatically and fundamentally with the improvements the majority have in mind, is that a lack of patriotism?

From The Audacity of Hope, and Dreams from My Father:
Candidate Obama proudly tells audiences that his white grandparents U.S. society is a "racial caste system" where "color and money" determine where you end up in life. He tells us of white children's stoning black children, Jim Crow, and heatless Harlem housing projects. He describes "Japanese families interned behind barbed wire; young Russian Jews cutting patterns in Lower East Side sweatshops; dust-bowl farmers loading up their trucks with the remains of shattered lives."were raised in the American heartland. But in Dreams he describes this heartland as the "landlocked center of the country, a place where decency and endurance and the pioneer spirit were joined at the hip with conformity and suspicion and the potential for unblinking cruelty."

Candidate Obama fondly tells audiences that one of his earliest memories is of sitting on his grandfather's shoulders proudly watching the Apollo astronauts return to Hawaii after their splashdown in the Pacific. But in Dreams, even this event is an occasion for outrage, as Obama asks: "How could America send men into space and still keep its black citizens in bondage?
If Obama sees himself as a 'spy behind enemy lines' working for a modern american corporation, what is his self view as a presidential nominee? Is that why he is so non specific in his speeches about the changes he wants to bring?

If his heart swells with pride at the sight of the flag with that belief set, then WHY?

Fear mongering?

Sorry but this is a presidential election, and we all get to ask.

What is the difference between Thurgood Marshall and Paul Robeson?

Just asking....what is it that holds us back on this day when McCain shockingly takes the lead?

1 comment:

Natasha said...

just in--on Uppity's blog, from Vanity Fair,

loyal to America?

Damn sure ain't loyal to the poor, including his own kin


found his brother [half] in Nairobi


in case you haven't seen, here's to ya American poor supporting Obama--sure he'll do Just as well for you as he did for these folks in Chicago,


Just for the record, usually I don't get into the whole candidate bashing, president bashing groups, because as far as I'm concerned they all pretty much the same when it comes to corrupt deals and broken promises, which, is the Nature of politics,

can't please everyone, etc., and I don't buy into the whole perfect president, not only that but there is the Senate and the House and its not like the President has this awesome solitary power, we live in a Republic, meaning, its more than one making the decisions...

HOWEVER, that aside, while I don't normally get into all the hype, you Have to say,

when it Comes to the global campaign of Obama's, in Berlin especially which is so 'out there' for a US candidate,

the change of the Presidential Seal on his campaign, the upside down flag on the DNC hologram tickets, his speeches, his DISSING THE TROOPS WHICH I WILL NEVER, NEVER FORGET,

his ties to both Indonesia and Kenya and Geesh,



and then, on TexasDarling blog, a very professional business blog that has been investigating/reporting on Obama,

on that blog there is the Hate Mail section from Obama trolls to her,

now I have a potty mouth, I can get really street--but, attacking women on blogs in the way She has been attacked,

PUNKS, I've never read so many PUNKS in all my life AND THATS WHO IS SUPPORTING OLE BARKY? !!!

Not ONE could substansiate (sic) or debate any findings, all they could do is threaten her, call her Cunt, bitch, RACIST,

but not ONE, could discuss the issue or allegation NOR COULD THEY DISPROVE IT,

its like, forget integrity, forget issues, its just,

he's glamorous and black and by golly he could be Osama's twin and it don't matter--its Racist not to vote for him, besides, he promises Change.

OK AMERICA what Have you been putting in de water cuzz I want some! LOL That way when the bottom falls out I be so happppyyyy that I just sing Oooo Baaa Maaa like everyone else,

plaleese, the Writing is SOOO on the Wall.

And, I do have to wonder what next, I hear ole Wesley Clark wasn't wanted or 'needed' at the DNC,

hmmmm, makes you Wonder, if god forbid ole Barky gets elected, will he then say,

to the Defense Department, don't bother, we don't need ya?

Manchurian candidate, na, I'm beginning to wonder,

if this is more like a MUTINY.

except this time, dumping tea in the harbor may not be enough to overthrow the Red coats and I don't mean Red in the British sense of the word.

More like Red-GREEN, the Jihad kind of Green.

If we Ever needed a George Washington IT IS NOW, was thinking about this last night, just How few truly understand that era,

flaws and all, the fact is, the American Revolution was fought, to prevent living under Tyrannies exactly like the ones we are faced with right now,

here they are passing Sharia banking and soft Sharia--


How WATERED DOWN has our history of the American Revolution been in all these years of Public Education? Because obviously,

people have forgotten, democracy isn't about capitalism or about media or Hollywood or even John Wayne,

our democracy, FLAWS AND ALL, because it WAS BASED ON


a Republic,

was signed over much haggling, debate and yes, blood.

It was Never meant, to be crushed and destroyed so that a feudalist theocracy type of MONARCHY-KING RULE could be established,

ole Barky wants civilian [Moral Police like they have in Iran I'm sure] troops,

I say, sure...lets form those civilian groups,

those REBELS and REVOLUTIONARIES and by golly,

time to kick the traitors out to the sea one more time, send them back to whence they came from and cut their King to the knees,

time to Deal with this mutiny and TAKE OUR GOVERNMENT BACK.

When you scroll through the beliefs of the young left, there is so much ignorance, this belief that freedoms here, are the negative kind,

maybe partly true, but, even if, that be the case...

the principle that they've forgotten is that this nation, the ideal behind it, Wasn't about creating wealth, as the leftist [the propagandists] would have us believe, That didn't come until later and it was a small fragment that yes, did grow and colonize, etc.,

and it Wasn't just about freedom of Religion either, a fragment, yes, nor was it about gold or land, yes, that was the beginning, sure, the expansionism of European Empire,

but the Principle, the Spirit, that Treasure, was the shaking off the chains of being owned by a King, a Feudalist Established and Enforced by the Church, including a type of caste system, that it was impossible to be mobile within or to be free,

free to Choose one's destiny and to Choose one's path.

Power MONGERS have always hated that idea of freedom and representation and choice, be it Direct Democracy or Representative Democracy WITH RESPECT TO MINORITY RIGHTS,

and I think, thats Why that Constitution was written in a way that it was A LIVING DOCUMENT so that, those principles were grounded in stone, because the writers for saw the very real possibility of


We are seeing it now before our eyes and this isn't something that just appeared over night nor is it something that just manifested itself from the left, or from the right---

or even from external forces from overseas.

This has been the battle from day one, it never ended, pushed back, yes, but it never ended,

if they couldn't destroy freedom by overthrowing the Constitution and the nation they then tried to destroy it by monopolizing it via economy,

or by race, or by religion, but the POWER MONGERS have always been at war against Freedom, against Direct Democracy.

And EVEN in laying all hopes on McCain, is still not the answer,

the principle was Not about people getting on the political stage and demanding a vanguard or a strong leader, that ABSOLUTE, that Robespierre which leads to the Hitlers and Stalins and Mussolini's and Obama's,

no, that principle was about the PEOPLE, WE THE PEOPLE, not a cult of force a.k.a. general will mandated by a despot [and so cleverly done],

no, it was about Direct Democracy, that belief that every individual [even though then, yes, it was males who owned property] but the principle, was there,

and that NO King or NO Queen or NO Established Church OR MULLAH, would rule with an iron fist over the fate and destiny over citizens,


we have gone So the reverse that, its not anymore about modification,

oh no, that time has long past...We need to get Back, to that VERY DAY,

where the Americans told the King,

NO. No, and No,

and if it takes war, so be it.

Today, there is a Mutiny on board this ship America,

not just Obama but multi-nationals [and so owned by Islamists] and lobbyists and special interests [with mega millions] and foreign nationals living within our very own shores,

and duped Americans, who in Thinking that capitalism is the only imperialism--what they Forget,

is that both Lenin and Mao were educated in Western Philosophy and they attempted to form their own version of freedom, just more on the French Revolution model, that revolution driven by misery, Danton, Danton, that begged for

the absolute, to save them however it did not BECAUSE THE ONE MISTAKE, WELL, THE MAIN ONE,

THAT THEY MADE, was that they didn't GET that principle of Democracy, DIRECT DEMOCRACY OR REPRESENTATIVE nor did they understand that the political and economical, though intertwined, are two totally different things,




rather than, an Absolutist State machine.


doesn't matter, be it corporations or governments or religions, ONCE that principle of the Living Document, that Living Spirit of Freedom, of Choosing one's own destiny is taken and destroyed,


There is no liberation from Any despotic power.

I first realized this, in my days of hard core Marxism [and there Is a lot of good ideals in Marxism but there is in the foundation, some serious flaws],

but I realized this, when one day, the party I was in was talking about the need to write up another constitution, it was in one of those discussions and it bothered me greatly,

especially over the issue of the Bill of Rights because the knowledge I do have, about the FAILURES in applied socialism/communism are 90% centered around that very issue,

and Arendt was right, it goes back to the difference between the French Revolution and the American Revolution,

and going to say it, even CAPITALISTS HAVE FORGOTTEN THIS,

whether driven by misery or by greed,

the Principle, was driven not by either,


The right of the individuals AND COMMUNITIES AND PEOPLES to decide their own destinies, the pursuit of happiness [not the promise of happiness but the pursuit], liberty AND justice for all.

And not the creation of BARRIERS IN PREVENTING THOSE PURSUITS OF HAPPINESS EITHER VIA MONOPOLIES AND POWER HEGEMONIES, [thats the other side of the coin and I do think, that was the First very real threat to Freedom in this country and we missed it]

because now there is that movement, driven by misery [and misery of a different kind-decadence and forgetfulness] or, flat out indifference and ignorance, of what freedom is--begging again,

Danton, Danton, Robespierre and they forget,

the ones who chanted the loudest were the first ones thrown under the gullittiene. (sic)

Obama has Clearly shown his contempt for the Living Constitution, and the Principles of which they were founded upon...

and with all the issues, it is really simple, it boils down to this,

Who has the right, to choose one's destiny?

The King, the Church/Theocracy, the Economic Power Brokers, the Militaries/Juntas, the STATE,

or the Individual, the Communities, the Citizens?

The Pursuit of Happiness, Liberty, and Justice for All...

I say we have a Mutiny folks, and its really going to boil down to,

either we rise up and fight, or we submit and pay tribute and tax

but if America, if you submit, I can guarantee you,


I think, I'm going to stand on the Constitution, that Living Document, flaws in our past and present, those Principles,

and I'm going to fight.

Not to preserve Hollywood or Capitalism or Elitism or Patriotism even, no,

for Freedom. And I'll be Damn,

if I pay Taxes with no representation...

Give me Freedom or Give me Death...and I'm seeing it more and more Exactly, what they meant, when they took up arms, and fought the Red Coats...and America, I think,

you need to go back, read and Remember.
