Thursday, August 21, 2008

Venezuela, Cuba, or somewhere else 'beyond diplomacy' a bit closer?

As a former candidate said in his former occupation:
"The Russkies, son, don't take a dump without a plan"*
So we have three close choices which present themselves in an obvious fashion. All have national govts, friendly towards Russia, and one has a president whose rule was the subject of Mr. Reagan's close scrutiny.

beyond_diplomacy.jpgVenezuela, however, would dovetail with Mr. Putin's newfound strategic tool, FOSSIL ENERGY.
They picked out a test subject, Georgia with the only non Russian controlled pipeline of fuels to Western Europe. They have claimed the artic seafloor beneath the ice, where a russian flag 'stands' now.
They support Iran to the maximum extent without nakedly allying.
They have already sold Venezuela offensive weapons some of which have utility only against the USA (are they going to use those Kilo subs to sink the great cruisers of St. Vincent?)

Right now the Russians are completing plans to do something dramatic with one of these three nations, or all.

Is this administration ready?

** Fred Thompson - The Hunt for Red October


moderationist said...

I remain convinced that Russia is far more concerned with Georgia becoming another 100% muslim country nearby

Anonymous said...

Quote: "Right now the Russians are completing plans to do something dramatic with one of these three nations, or all. - Is this administration ready?"

We're on the election threshold. It's not a question of whether 'this administration' alone, is ready. The period during the transition of power is fast becoming a strategic window for multiple fronts. Blindly thinking this window provided ample opportunity for the present administration to address Iran, it was far too easy to overlook the dangers our own national interests bear during this period as well.

What was that Pastorius or EPA said yesterday? Interesting times?

Let's hope those at our controls are paying very close attention and make good use of their trigger fingers and lead feet.

Epaminondas said...

moderationist...the Georgians WIPED OUT the muslim wahabbi problem in Pankisi Gorge.

If anything they have been at the forefront of incidentally HELPING the Roosians across the border in Chehcnya

moderationist said...

I still don't buy that this conflict is about Russia obsessing about America. America egocentrism aside, Russia has far more to fear from out of control islam.

moderationist said...

The Russian Army is said to be 40% muslim. The Russian Army is said to be looting, raping and drunken.

To me, this is very significant and being overlooked.

Am I wrong is remembering the Russian Army of old was disciplined?

Epaminondas said...

Ivading Georgia does ZERO for Russia concerning Islam.



Instead it will energize NATO, and help ensure McCain gets an advantage

moderationist said...


Epaminondas said...

You have totally missed my point.

They would not have wanted to do this unless highly motivated because they are smart enuf to recognize this would help McCain, as this week's poll certainly demonstrate.

However, in order to deliver a message to NATO, in order to rebuild what once was, in SOME WAY, in order to get control of that only pipeline to west europe not under their control, in order to get hold of the port at Poti where the oil can leave, in order to get the Ukraine and Poland in line (as they see it), in order to purposefully end a democratically elected govt which they see as troublesome, any advantage to McCain becomes secondary.