Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Winds of War: Russian Church Fights Back

While the British Anglican Church spirals into dhimmitude and its own destruction, the Russian Orthodox Church will have none of it.

The Moscow Patriarchate urged Christians who are scared of increasing Islamic influence in Europe protect values of traditional family and create a baby-boom of Christians.

Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.


Damien said...


you said,
"This bishop sees the threat that the pinheads who run Europe can not seem to grasp because they are sucking on the tit of immigration – from no matter where – to keep their failing socialist engine working."

That's definitely true. Perhaps enough people in Russia still remember what it was like to live under the socialism of the soviet union and don't want to go back.
It could also be that the Russian Orthodox church has a better understanding of what it is like to be persecuted. Orthodox Christians who were forced to live under Communism were forced to live under a system that was determined to destroy their faith. Stalin only let up once during world war two out of desperation.

Damien said...


You said,
"So, taking that visual--in countries with high population explosions those are births by young ages but NOT as young as you see in Islam, so, a woman in conservative South America may have 3 or 4 or more children. in every single Islamic country, by the time they are thirty, they have on average about 5 and thats four wives--not just one,and that Doesn't even include the numbers of babies born by slaves,"

If the statistics you are giving here us are accurate we are serious trouble. More serious than I thought.

Natasha said...


I'm working on projections now [mathematical] with also other variables in a hypothesis as to what will happen if Islam succeeds in getting even Europe under a Caliphate,

also looking at economic factors because the far left thinks the alliance will liberate the proletariat,

sure, but not like they think--not towards industrialism,

more like, global peasantry under a serf like feudalist economy which will bring disastrous effects to both economies And to the environment due to the changes in transitioning.

Print up that one study, there are many more, than figure, taking potential war loss statistics and disease [AIDS esp] deducted from that,

and then doing the math on the population explosion--keeping in mind the increase in converts now...

then look at the environmental studies, from global warming to land use to water resources.

Islam would Have to modernize and reform, ESPECIALLY THE STATUS OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN,

or, it would be the end. All there is to it.

Its worse than nihilism, because at least in nihilist theory there was that belief to destroy to then rebuild--

thats just it, if Islam succeeds,

there isn't going to be anything to rebuild on, not economical, not environmental, and it might not happen with the speed,

but, if Islam succeeds in a world wide caliphate--might as well just have nuclear war destruction--because it will result in the same level of destruction--even economic wealth of the Islamists won't stop it.

It can't, Islam in itself is expansionist, yes,

but it destroys all it expands itself upon--

Hannah Arendt wasn't joking when she said totalitarianism carries the seed to its own destruction, the base of what started the theory I've been working on long ago [off and on],

this is going to be, a literal destruction. Physical one,

that even the nihilists couldn't have dreamt of.
