Thursday, March 02, 2017


ISIS has murdered hundreds of white people across the US and Europe. In that context, ISIS has 800 million peoples as their enemies. Apparently, that's not enough. ISIS is really eager to increase their foes by 1.3 billion.
ISIS militants from China's Uighur ethnic minority have vowed to return home and "shed blood like rivers", according to a militant-tracking firm, in what experts said marked the first ISIS threat against Chinese targets.
White guilt, moral relativism and multiculturalism has dampened and delayed the lethal response of the West towards the Jihadists. The Chinese, however, don't have such qualms. Blood will definitely be shed like rivers but not in the manner thought up by ISIS.

1 comment:

thelastenglishprince said...

I agree. The Chinese will not put up with such a vile threat. No mercy for the merciless. It is actually a just model. Those who have shown themselves to be enormously cruel have no right to expect any courtesy extended toward them.

Rattlesnakes are killed, not petted and housed as roommates.