Thursday, May 01, 2014

Muslim Scientists Unveil Spacesuit Designed To Be Worn By Humans On Surface of Mars

Wait, did I say "Muslim Scientists"?


I meant NASA Scientists.

From the BBC:
The Z-2 will be built using 3D-printed parts, and 3D laser scans will ensure each suit fits each astronaut perfectly. 
It will be tested in vacuum chambers, at Nasa's training pool and at a site that imitates the rocky Martian surface. 
Nasa said: "Each iteration of the Z-series will advance new technologies that one day will be used in a suit worn by the first humans to step foot on the Red Planet." 
And the Z-2 "pays homage to the spacesuit achievements of the past while incorporating subtle elements of the future". 
Its hard composite upper torso "provides the much-needed long-term durability that a planetary extravehicular activity suit will require", but despite its "aesthetic appeal" the prototype was not made of the same durable material designed to protect space-walking astronauts from micro-meteorite strikes, extreme temperatures and radiation, Nasa added.


LL said...

Do you have any opposition to Barack, Joe, Harry and Nancy being the first astronauts that we send to Mars?

We have not explored the sun completely either...

Pastorius said...

I think you're onto something there. Especially the idea about exploring the Sun. That seems necessary to me.