Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Is anyone neutral on Sarah Palin?

palin runnersi1.jpgI find it interesting that on the slobberingly liberal MSM, the so called conservatives called on regularly are Mr. Brooks, who is actually just slightly left of dead center (not a bad place to be, but not conservative), and Pat Buchanan, who cannot tell the difference between conservative and racist. I'm sure this is an accident, aren't you?

I wonder what George Will (who ironically has the right take on Mrs. Palin - so far) thinks of this

But never mind that.

Sarah Palin's new book, Going Rogue, which I have not read, and probably won't buy, has now evoked even more hatred of the arab on jew variety than she experienced when nominated.

There are various reasons why.
  • She went to university in Idaho (must be some militia thing)
  • She did not abort her last child (holy shit, her life challenges the liberal idea of convenience)
  • She is governor of that bear place where they eat salmon alive (next she'll make a speech while they chop off turkey heads on TV!)
  • She is not the product of some kind of money and political tradition (what is she REALLY UP TO in office?)
  • She IS the product of REAL middle income, REAL high school, REAL life (she might do something she REALLY believes in ...very dangerous)
  • She is Christian and says so (does she think god is real? What next?)
  • Her daughter schtupped a moron and got pregnant (NIENER NIENER she's from Jerry Springer, or at least real life, something WE of the professional pundit academic elite are far too tidy to permit .. better to just buy off the boy and abort before any public scrutiny, no matter the belief set)
But the degree now is unbelievable.... AP assigns 11 fact finders to her book? How about health care? AfPak? Czars appointed by Obama? Security risks to NYC with the coming trials?

Naomi Wolf Sarah Palin Is Part Of A Rove-Cheney-Bush Cabal.jpgProgressives pull out the ultimate slam...Naomi Wolf on Monday accused former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin of being part of a "cabal" involving George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Karl Rove.

Of all this utter garbage, certainly the product of OUTRIGHT NAKED FEAR on the left, there are some valid issues which disappear amid the noise.

From Charles Krauthammer 9/08:""the paucity of any Palin record or expressed conviction on the major issues of our time." True but she was the serious gov of Alaska and had anyone ASKED HER about PSI? Did she have reason to care? Or time? Or interest? Who knows?

From George Will: "Some conservatives think they have found in Sarah Palin a Republican William Jennings Bryan. Why they would want somebody who lost the presidency three times I do not know."


Previously Mrs. Palin, who it seemed to me to be doing a good job in the job she was hired to do in Alaska had scant reason before the summer of 2008 to spend a lot of time thinking about 'world' issues, and CLEARLY she just had limited interest in history. I have limited interest in a lot of things. For Sarah Palin, though, even if previously she entertained only fragmentary and momentary daydreams about national office, fate has changed things.

No one can doubt that she is a populist, and that it is POSSIBLE if she chooses she might actually win primaries. Maybe MOST of them. But if she is to win a real national election Mrs. Palin will have to explain why her lack of historical, and international interest, or the PERCEPTION of same, was a limit then, and will not be when the time rolls around for primaries.

The spirit of 'throw them bums out' while catching the public imagination will be a very different item when elected.

We have just seen what happens when HOPE, and '5 days from fundamentally transforming the United States of America' hits reality.

Mrs. Palin MAY have the innate talent and aptitudes necessary for a job where unblinking toughness is as necessary as knowing when to compromise, as well as a belief in American exceptionalism (somethings the current WH occupant lacks), but it will take more for American voters to give her that chance.

If she even wants it.

Of course, having already suffered the slings and arrows as NO OTHER POLITICIAN HAS, especially in the personal domain, why the hell not?

But the really silly David Brooks had better understand one thing, she is NO JOKE

Some good ones on the same subject:

Eugene Robinson

Jim Geraghty


revereridesagain said...

Epam, why would you refer to Down Syndrome as an "inconvenience"?

Epaminondas said...

I am being sarcastic as usual, but you can be sure that to many people since a fetus is not a person (more on my personal opinion in a second) the idea of a parental couples' life changed to what they perceive as a more inconvenient existence, aborting this tissue before such a change is a morally neutral position.

My own opinion is science based. If we can save a fetus of X weeks by science, no abortion after that save by reason of rape or life of the mom should be permitted since WE indisputably can save a real life of a real human, whether the IQ be 60, 90, or 155.

But we must respect that many people regard a fetus as human at the moment of conception. It is the LACK of respect for such people as rubes, christian freaks and or ignorant hicks that characterizes many who cannot stand Mrs Palin and what SHE INSISTED on doing as a Christian.

Pastorius said...

Let me make clear a point which you implicitly made in your post:

Barack Obama is just as ignorant of history, if not moreso, as/than Sarah Palin.

The point you made implicitly is that, as we have now had the experience of having a President who does not understand the dynamics of history, or of geopolitics, we would never want to return to such a situation again.

I am probably going to actually spend time reading Palin's book. I heard Medved talking about it yesterday, and a person called in who was a Palin supporter, and she caught him in some outright lies about Palin. He was making the point that she has no national or international interests. But, she does. They are this (and this IS born out in her record):

1) Energy
2) Fiscal Conservatism

Add to this the fact that Palin makes no absolute statements against Abortion or Gay issues, and I think what we have here is a traditional American Constitutional Libertarian.

Problem is, many think she is the reincarnation of Reagan. She is in the sense of the charisma factor, and in the vague sense of Fiscal Conservatism, but she is not in the sense that Reagan was an intellectual ideologue, and I don't think Palin actually has made an intellectual journey on her issues. I think she approaches things from gut instinct and her "Christian" principles (that's a loaded statement, and that's why I put the word Christian in quotation marks - I'm not saying Palin reads the Bible and figures out her stand on issues that way).

But, I can not make such a statement about Palin if I do not actually read the book.

The thing is, if Medved is lying about Palin THEN EVERYONE IS LYING ABOUT PALIN.

Medved is one of the most intellectually honest Conservatives out there, and he is lying about Palin and judging her book based upon the Wall St. Journal review.

Not fair at all.

Anonymous said...

She went to university in Idaho

*Have you been to Idaho? Militia thing, maybe not, deliverance thing, probably. My question is who the hell goes there on purpose.

She did not abort her last child

*as long as she or some member of her family is alive to fully support and care for that child that's fine. If she dies I'm not willing to put my tax dollars toward the care of her retarded child.

She is governor of that bear place where they eat salmon alive

*It's true, she is the governor of a state nobody cares about and only has 236 people. That doesn't exactly qualify one to run a nation.

She is not the product of some kind of money and political tradition

*Which really hasn't got anything to do with anything. She's also (judging by every speech she's ever given) not a product of any kind of educational tradition.

She IS the product of REAL middle income, REAL high school, REAL life (she might do something she REALLY believes in ...very dangerous)

*I've seen some of the morons a REAL high school churns out. Muslims blow up fucking skyscrapers because they REALLY believe in it. Those are just god aweful examples.

She is Christian and says so (does she think god is real? What next?)

*Well, if she takes the reasonable route I would guess Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny

Her daughter schtupped a moron and got pregnant

*Which is what often happens when we teach abstinence only.

Obama was the answer the the Idiot Bush, Palin is the answer to the Idiot Obama, who will be the answer to the Idiot Palin?

The woman is two brain cells short of retarded. She shouldn't be in charge of a school bake sale let alone a country. Are we so stupid as a country that just because the moron is from the opposite party of the one we dislike that we accept them? Or is it that we're so stupid, when the stupid candidate shows up with her "folksy" quips and general idiotic demeanor that we identify with her lack of actual intelligence and want to raise her up on high? For Christ sake, if Obama doesn't succeed in fully killing this country then she'll surely finish it off.

Pastorius said...

To Anonymous:


Epaminondas said...

Pasto you may be right about the Medved thing. Let me know what u think of the book.

Anon ... your comments about rural places make you UNBELIEVABLY FRIGGING PREJUDICED.

I live, FYI, in a town of < 2000 people, in very rural Maine, on a lake, on a dirt road we plow ourselves, and my wife teaches in a school which is pre-k to grade 8 WITH 45 kids.

How can you be taken seriously when your comments are absurd?

Obama was not the answer to Bush, Obama was the result of a long process in which George Soros, and a FEW others carried the ideological and fiscal ball.

I find this comment .."Well, if she takes the reasonable route I would guess Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny" insulting and and hideous.

revereridesagain said...

As my mother once said, "My name is Sherman, has anybody got a match?"

Epam, you said "inconvenient" again. Do you consider dealing with a serious medical condition, and all that entails, an "inconvenience"?

I guess I was raised wrong. My mom has always felt I'm more important than what does not yet exist. I guess she was raised wrong, too.

I'm embarrassed I missed the sarcasm, being a major fan of the art form. So I'm trying to make amends.