Monday, October 21, 2024

Andrew Tate sides with Hamas

Muslim convert Andrew Tate continues to prove why he's a dangerous influence (via Jihad Watch):
Controversial social media personality Andrew Tate posted on X/Twitter on Saturday that he was praying to die a death like former Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar.

"I can only pray for a death as heroic as Yahya Sinwar," Tate wrote. "Brave, defiant in the face of evil and dedicated to his lifes purpose. He deserves eternal rest. He earnt it."

[...] Who is Andrew Tate?

A self-described misogynist, social media influencer Tate has gained millions of fans by promoting an ultra-masculine lifestyle that critics say denigrates women, according to Reuters.
When somebody openly describes himself as a misogynist, it's clear the issue is not feminism, leftist or otherwise, and that, much like he's antisemitic, Tate also hates women as human beings. As for Reuters, it sure is odd they seemingly care, considering they've written reports before that are both hostile to Israel, and unhelpful to women. And "masculine"? For heaven's sake, he is anything but "masculine" if that's how he's going act. All he's done is prove he's not a gentleman and doesn't respect women's dignity and honor.

Tate sure has proven himself one of the worst influences and examples of the 21st century.

John Campbell On The Discovery That Ivermectin Is a Potential Anti-Cancer Drug

Over 200,000 Americans killed by the COVID vaccine: 10 methods, same answer


From Steve Kirsch:

Over 200,000 Americans killed by the COVID vaccine: 10 methods, same answer

Many people have no clue how many people have been killed by the COVID vaccines. I list ten different methods and they all given similar results. You can question each one, but not all 10.     

The methods

Here is a list of different methods to estimate the number of Americans killed by the COVID shots:

  1. Big data analysis (Rancourt et al.78 countries, see p286): 0.00127*672M doses= 853,000 deaths

  2. Public survey (Skidmore): 217,000 in 2021 alone. No estimate for subsequent years.

  3. VAERS (How many deaths were caused by the covid vaccines? by UK Professor Norman Fenton): 120,000 + 70,000 = 190,000 deaths minimum.

  4. Doctors I know personally: Estimates came in consistently at 4 to 5 per 1,000 vaccinated. Since there are 270M Americans who got the shot, this predicts 1.1M deaths.

  5. Survey of medical practices (46 complete responses): 3 per 1,000 vaccinated by excluding sites claiming 1% or more death rates. This predicts 810,000 deaths.

  6. Paramedic survey (9 responses): If we ignore all the high reports, the average of the five remaining reporting 5 or fewer COVID vaccine deaths was 2.5. Since there are 100,000 paramedics, this suggests that 250,000 deaths would be a conservative estimate. Ignoring the largest two reports as outliers, the average was 6 suggesting that as many as 600,000 deaths is a ballpark estimate at the true number.

  7. VAERS estimate: There are over 19,058 American deaths in the US VAERS system (per query). Assuming 70% are caused by the vaccine and an under-reporting factor of 50, we get 670,000 deaths.

  8. Large geriatric medical practice: Tidewater Family Practice is a medical practice that specializes in the elderly. Their all-cause mortality rates went from 10 a year before the vax rolled out to over 48 deaths in 2023. It’s hard to extrapolate that to a normal population.

  9. Rasmussen survey: Vaccine deaths were 45% relative to COVID deaths. So given that there were over 1M COVID deaths, this translates into 450,000 COVID deaths. Note that half of America doesn’t think the COVID vaccine killed anyone so we expected this estimate to be lower by a factor of 2 or more.

  10. Ethical Skeptic analysis of natural cause excess deaths. He found 755K died, constituting a vaccine fatality rate of .33% per person vaccinated which is remarkably close to what the doctors I know estimated (0.4%). He notes the COVID IFR was 0.27%. The baseline for the chart was from 2014 to 2019.

  11. Czech Republic data: Moderna had 30% higher 1 year ASMR than Pfizer on an absolute basis. Assuming Pfizer is 100% safe and half of America got Moderna, this would be a 15% ACM increase for 1 year minimum. Since the US mortality is around 3M per year, a 15% increase for one year is 450,000 deaths.

  12. Jay Bonnar’s statistics: Jay has nearly 15,000 friends in his Outlook contacts and 15 of them died unexpectedly after getting their COVID shots. Jay has only one friend prior to the vaccine rollout die unexpectedly. In addition, he only lost one friend to COVID. So he lost 1 friend per 1,000 vaccinated. So extrapolating, we’d estimate 270,000 COVID deaths. Jay says it’s quite possible he wasn’t aware of all deaths among his friends, so this should be considered a lower-bound data point.

  13. Denver police officer anecdote: I’m in the process of trying to get confirmation of this via FOIA to the Denver police department, but this is a 50X increase in natural cause deaths after the shots rolled out and I don’t think the police officer is joking about this. I’ve talked to him personally.

One paramedic summed it up very nicely: “I've been a paramedic almost 20 years. Since these shots came out I've seen things I've never seen before, otherwise perfectly healthy young people dropping dead for no reason. It's been crazy, and I really pray it doesn't get worse.” See the paramedic and doctor survey.

Entire Pittsburgh Stadium Breaks Into Thunderous Chants of “USA! USA! USA!” as Trump Arrives

Gaza's Haunting Past: How Nephilim and Anakim Still Shape the Middle East Today

Nadja Kossinskaja

Sunday, October 20, 2024



The War On Science: The Ideological Linchpin Driving World War III




“They Want to Put Tampons in The Boy’s Bathroom!” — Pittsburgh Steelers Stars Antonio Brown and Le’Veon Bell Endorse Trump at Rally in Latrobe, Pennsylvania

KAMALA IS KOLLAPSING: A Visibly Exhausted Kamala Harris Was on Stage in Detroit For Only Six Minutes, 36 Seconds… And Lizzo Never Performed! (VIDEO)



Steeldrivers w/ Chris Stapleton
Midnight Train To Memphis

Saturday, October 19, 2024

TYRUS From The Gutfeld Show Interviews Donald Trump: "Manhood Is Under Attack"

This is the best interview with President Trump that I have seen.

You Won't Believe who just ENDORSED TRUMP Making It Too Big To Rig!!!

Dan Bongino Interviews President Trump

How Fauci Became Science

From my own personal COVID-era hero, Jay Battacharya:

Anthony Fauci, the Man Who Thought He Was Science


In 1983, in response to a case report of an infant with AIDS published in The Journal of the American Medical Association, Fauci told the press that AIDS might be spread by routine household contact. There was no good evidence then and is none now to suggest that HIV is transmitted that way. But Fauci's statement, prominently echoed in the media, panicked the American people, almost certainly leading many to physically shun AIDS patients out of an unfounded fear of catching the disease.

Fauci does not address this incident, so one is left to speculate about why he was attracted to this theory. One possibility is that there was little political support for government spending on AIDS when the public thought it only affected gay men. As the public came to understand AIDS impacted broader populations, such as hemophiliacs and IV drug users, public support for funding HIV research expanded.

Lying during a crisis to get what he wanted worked so well during AIDS that Fauci decided to make a career of it.

Like many other charlatans and power-seekers, he used the War on Terror to expand his power and purview:

In the early days of the war on terror, Fauci became head of civilian biodefense, with the mandate to develop and stockpile countermeasures to biowarfare agents. This appointment made Fauci one of the most well-paid and powerful figures in the U.S. government. Fauci leveraged his deep knowledge of the federal bureaucracy, streamlining federal contracting rules to issue "sole source contracts" and "rapid research grants" to create constituencies of companies and scientists who depended on Fauci for their success.

He had an interesting take on the avian flu: We should make it more easy to transmit to humans -- we should turn it into a bioweapon -- so that we can then study the bioweapon we just created.

At this point, virologists persuaded Fauci's NIAID to support dangerous scientific lab experiments designed to make the avian flu virus more easily transmissible among humans.

In 2011, NIAID-funded scientists in Wisconsin and the Netherlands succeeded. They published their results in a prestigious scientific journal, so that anyone with the knowledge and resources could replicate their steps. They effectively weaponized the avian flu virus and shared the recipe with the world, with Fauci and his agency in full support.

Is the picture becoming clearer? When it was put to him he was cooking up potentially world-ending bioweapons, he sniffed that it was worth the risks of accidentally unleashing a Killer Bug upon the world:

Fauci, writing to molecular biologists in 2012, downplayed the possibility that laboratory workers or scientists studying these dangerous pathogens might cause the pandemic they were working to prevent. He also argued that the risk of such an accident was worth it: "In an unlikely but conceivable turn of events, what if that scientist becomes infected with the virus, which leads to an outbreak and ultimately triggers a pandemic? Many ask reasonable questions: given the possibility of such a scenario--however remote--should the initial experiments have been performed and or published in the first place, and what were the processes involved in this decision? Scientists working in this field might say--as indeed I have said--that the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks. It is more likely that a pandemic would occur in nature, and the need to stay ahead of such a threat is a primary reason for performing an experiment that might appear to be risky."

He knows he funded and unleashed covid on the world-- and you can see why he's so addicted to the Dangerous Misinformation "natural origin" cover story.

He's a mass murderer on a scale undreamed of by Hitler.

But that's not all ...



THEY SAY THAT LIKE IT'S A BAD THING: "Former President Donald Trump's campaign and his allies have spent tens of millions of dollars on political ads focusing on transgender rights issues in the weeks leading up to the election"


"Female" High School Tennis Coach having sex with another man in a ski mask, smoking meth

A transgender high school tennis coach who, despite complaints of inappropriate behavior, was rehired due to concerns of "transphobia," has now resigned after a pair of videos surfaced of him engaged in vulgar behavior.

David Yates (pictured), who goes by "Sasha," got his job back via a 6-2 vote by the Gettysburg Area School District board last summer.

Yates had been dismissed after various complaints, including "changing in and 'walking through' the girls' locker room," and "talk[ing] to students about undergarment preferences and menstruation."

But he later reapplied for his coaching position, and a solicitor recommended he be rehired -- else the district could face a lawsuit.

Many in the local community favored Yates' rehiring, claiming transphobia was behind his firing in the first place.

But as The Daily Wire reports today, many of Yates' supporters now "have gone silent."

That's because board member Michelle Smyers received an email late last month containing a pair of videos along with the message "Thought you might find it interesting how your high school tennis coach spends her weekends."

In one video, screenshots of which were reviewed by The Daily Wire, [Yates] appears to be smoking meth, with the assistance of a woman, and asks, "Am I a good meth whore?" In another, Yates -- a middle-aged British man -- is seen bent over a counter wearing a black bra and having sex with a man wearing a ski mask.


Smyers, one of the board who had voted against rehiring Yates, said other board members had "privately agreed that Yates should not work in a school, but they were afraid to say so publicly" out of fear of being labeled "intolerant."

Paul Joseph Watson on Social Engineering in TV

Don Williams
Tulsa Time

Friday, October 18, 2024

ALARMING: Trump Supporters in Pennsylvania Targeted with Threatening Letters from the Radical Left — “Your Visible Support Comes with a Price”

ALARMING: Trump Supporters in Pennsylvania Targeted with Threatening Letters from the Radical Left — “Your Visible Support Comes with a Price”

It’s (almost) always Sunny in California - Live in Laguna Beach



AL SMITH DINNER: Trump Accuses Chuck Schumer—Who's Sitting Right Next To Him—Of Forcing Biden Out

" ... Their Wives, AND Their Wives Lovers Are All Voting For Me"

Donald Trump Gets Applauded During Visit to Black Barber Shop in the Bronx, NY

Horace Silver Quintet
Pretty Eyes

Thursday, October 17, 2024


Black Nationalist Gets $20 Million to Promote ‘Segregation’ in Public Schools

Sharif El-Mekki envisions a world where ‘all black students are taught by same-race teachers.’ He is backed by the Gates Foundation, NBC Universal, Nike, and the Bezos Family Foundation.

Sharif El-Mekki is an adviser to Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro. He also supports school segregation, is a member of the Black Panther Party with family ties to Iran, and runs a nonprofit that has raked in nearly $20 million in donations from the government and nonprofits, including the Gates Foundation.

El-Mekki, a former middle and high school teacher and principal, founded the Center for Black Educator Development (CBED) in 2019, which defines its vision as “a world where. . . all black students are taught by high-quality, same-race teachers,” and where “all teachers demonstrate high levels of expertise in anti-racist mindsets.” CBED argues that employing black teachers to educate black students increases educational outcomes.

Since its founding, CBED has trained thousands of teachers across the U.S. in “education activism,” urging a “commitment to liberation education from the racism inherent in America’s institutions, including our schools.” A CBED information packet titled “The Anti-Racist Guide to Teacher Retention,” developed with the Pennsylvania Department of Education, defines education as “a political act” that “can upend white supremacy and a racist history of using education as an oppressive social force.” 


JD Vance has fiery exchange with Martha Raddatz over Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment complexes: 'Do you hear yourself?!'

Senior Meta Engineer Reveals Anti-Kamala Posts Are Automatically Demoted, Admits to Shadowbanning Tactics to Help Democrats Win Elections


And now that you've seen the itty bitty titties, get Trumped: