Sunday, May 23, 2010


Saudi Cleric’s Fatwa Allows Contact Between Unrelated Men and Women With One Catch . . . The Man Has to Drink Breast Milk  

From Weasel Zippers:

But don’t worry, he doesn’t want the man being breastfed, he just has to drink it…you know, because that would be gross…

May 22, 2010- A Saudi scholar has waded into controversy after he said that women could give their milk to men to establish a degree of maternal relations and get around a strict religious ban on mixing between unrelated men and women.
According to Shaikh Abdul Mohsin Al Abaican, a consultant at Saudi Arabia’s royal court, a man who often entered a house and came in contact with the womenfolk there should be made symbolically related to the women by drinking milk from one of the women.
Under the fatwa, the act would preclude any sexual relations between the man and the donor woman and her relatives.
However, Al Abaican said that the donor woman should not breastfeed the man directly.
“The man should take the milk, but not directly from the breast of the woman,” Al Abaican said. “He should drink it and then becomes a relative of the family, a fact that allows him to come in contact with the women without breaking Islam’s rules about mixing,” he said, quoted by Kuwaiti and Saudi media on Saturday.
Exactly three years ago, on May 22, 2007, an Egyptian scholar was disciplined by Al Azhar University, one of Islam’s most prestigious institutions, after he issued a fatwa calling upon women to breastfeed their male colleagues.
Dr Izzat Attiyah said that his fatwa offered a way around mixing of the sexes in the work place since breast-feeding established a maternal relation even if the beneficiary was not the woman’s biological son or daughter.


LL said...

You screwed it up for me!!

This whole mixing at the workplace thing has always disturbed me. Something has been missing since the whole "sexual harassment at the workplace" trend has been underway.

I was all set to become a Muslim -- until I read that I couldn't take the milk directly from the breast of the woman. All the fun is gone now... (sad face)

I suspect that I'll have to remain one of the great unwashed.

Pastorius said...

As an Infidel, I put a fatwa on this Imam.

Damien said...


These are the most messed up people on Earth.

abdooss said...

Even I have to admit it, this is really funny.. :)

Pastorius said...

Yes, it is funny, because I think the Imam is actually trying to help make things better in Saudi Arabia.

But, the sad thing is, this fatwa is actually based on a Hadith:

Pastorius said...

Here's more:

abdooss said...

Well, this is embarassing. If it's authentic (the hadith), I believe it was said with tongue in cheek, as we know to be a relative-by-sharing-milk, that person needed to be 2 years old or less. For an adult to share the milk, this is funny (haha & weird).

Sorry P, but I have to go. It's already 8pm here.. time to go home.