Sunday, May 23, 2010

Well Kumbafuckingya

Ya know the little rubber bracelets that are all the rage these days? Whether for cancer or adoption or lyme disease or whatever?

Well, there's another.

For solidarity against Arizona's immigration law.

And guess which hot little fashonistas are wearing them?

Right. Uncle Joe and Auntie Nanny.

Politicians wearing bracelets in protest of a State's right to enact and enforce laws.

Go fucking figure.

D.C. has truly roled on it's side, in a fetal position, squealing like a bloated stuck pig.

h/t The Last Crusade

1 comment:

revereridesagain said...

What color are they? How can I recognize one if I see it?

Also taking suggestions for what to say to anyone I see wearing one. Mine all start with ****, but I'd prefer something wittier.

And I'm at my wit's end from watching this crap go on.

But now Arizona is insisting that teachers in their schools speak comprehensible English instead of Spanglish. Suppose there'l be a bracelet against that too?