Tuesday, November 01, 2011

The Greek people as in 480 BC will decide the fate of western europe? MAYBE

The Greek govt (properly in my view) has now called for a referendum to let the people decide if they are going to go along with a Euro-Debt-Bailout-Protect the rest program which forgives 50% of their loan debt as a sovereign nation, but also will include on the ground guidance AND CONTROL by other nations of their finances, operations, programs, etc.

BY GERMANS. Sorry Germans, but there you go. Nothing personal, but it will ALWAYS be the Wehrmacht and SS in this kind of situation. And BTW, your reaction, Teutons, is not exactly helping.

Prime Minister George Papandreou’s shock decision to call a referendum on Greece’s bailout drew veiled threats from Germany on Tuesday and hammered markets edgy over the euro zone crisis.

European politicians complained that Athens was trying to wriggle out of the rescue deal agreed only last week, concerned not so much about the fate of Greece as the possibly dire consequences for the entire currency union.

One senior German parliamentarian suggested the euro zone might have to cast Athens adrift, cutting off its aid lifeline and allowing the nation to default.

Others were stunned by Papandreou’s apparent bolt from the blue on Monday on the plan for a 130 billion-euro bailout and a 50-percent write-down on Greece’s huge debt, which has unleashed fury among Greeks due to its price — yet more austerity.

But they also urged caution as the exact question to be put to the Greek people remains unknown. EU officials said they had yet to be officially notified of the vote.

The reaction from Germany, which funds a large part of European Union rescues for Greece as it struggles with a huge debt, was of scarcely disguised fury.

A leader in German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s center-right coalition said he was “irritated” by Papandreou’s announcement and said the euro zone would have to consider turning off the flow of money which has kept Greece afloat over the past year.

So, the Germans are upset the Greek people wish to exercise a sovereign vote over whether to relinquish a lot of their sovereign authority over themselves as the price for being bailed out?

Poor form, Heinrich.

I would concentrate on your platform to convince the Greeks this is a good idea, NOT THEIR REGIME.

I know you are worried if the Greek people decide ‘tough shit, we are not letting you nazis tell us what to do and we ARE going to stiff you’, that this will be a national equivalent of Lehman Bros and that Europe begins circling the drain in days. But if that is your worry, MASSIVE PANIC, then you’d better get the most polished people imaginable to influence the vote the Greeks properly are going to exercise.

And have that plan B REAL REAL READY.

Geithner, you paying attention here so you morons don’t repeat 9/15/2008?


1 comment:

Epaminondas said...

Well, that was a tolerant non racial response, now, wasn't it?

The many GENERATIONS of idiotic EURO policies, in which the Greeks are merely a part are the problem, not some fanciful 'inbreeding' ideas.

IMHO, there isn't a SINGLE NATION IN THE WORLD in which a vote of the general public could be conducted in which THIS PLAN would pass.

Foreigners would be running Greece as the price of money owed.

That is back to 19th century colonialism, and the United Fruit Company operations in Latin America thru the early 20th.

The Teutons made this plan with the Greek REGIME in mind, NOT the Greek people, who rightly or wrongly simply will give the finger, unless a very good argument can be made to them. The Germans are worried about banks and business. To save them they will have to do better.