Sunday, March 22, 2020

China's coronavirus recovery is 'all fake,' whistleblowers and residents claim

This may very well be true. The numbers went down too quickly, in my uneducated opinion.
Beijing has spent much of the outbreak pushing districts to carry on business as usual, with some local governments subsidizing electricity costs and even installing mandatory productivity quotas. Zhejiang, a province east of the epicenter city of Wuhan, claimed as of Feb. 24 it had restored 98.6 percent of its pre-coronavirus work capacity. 
But civil servants tell Caixan that businesses are actually faking these numbers. Beijing had started checking Zhejiang businesses' electricity consumption levels, so district officials ordered the companies to start leaving their lights and machinery on all day to drive the numbers up, one civil servant said. Businesses have reportedly falsified staff attendance logs as well — they "would rather waste a small amount of money on power than irritate local officials," Caixan writes. 
In Wuhan, officials have tried to make it appear that recovery efforts are going smoothly. But when "central leaders" personally survey disinfecting regimens and food delivery, local officials "make a special effort" for them and them alone, one resident told Caixan. And in a video circulating on social media, residents can be seen shouting at visiting leaders from the apartments where they're being quarantined — "Fake, it's all fake." Read more at Caixan. 


Pete Rowe said...

You cannot believe anything that comes from a communist regime.

Anonymous said...

Yes, a few days ago there was a photograph circulating in the media of a group of Chicom docs celebrating the "defeat" of Wuhan flu. It would have been more convincing had they not been wearing hazmat suits.

Always On Watch said...

It would have been more convincing had they not been wearing hazmat suits.

No shit!