Saturday, March 21, 2020

Coronavirus Killer? Important Follow-Up Info on Hydroxychloroquine Studies

Since pharmaceutical attorney Gregory Rigano appeared on Fox News, others (real MDs) have come forward with more information on recent studies of hydroxychloroquine, a newer version of the commonly used antimalarial drug chloroquine, and also remdesivir, which was created to fight the ebola virus. The French study referenced by Rigano is real, and there’s one out of Australia and another out of China. 

Cutting the Red Tape to Save Lives

Rigano had called on President Trump to cut as much red tape as possible to hasten the approval process on new therapies. And on Thursday, the President did just that, calling on the FDA to “eliminate outdated rules and bureaucracy so this work can proceed rapidly, quickly, and I mean … fast.”
He means … FAST. And all the other words that mean fast.
“We have to remove every barrier,” the president said, “and they’ve done that, to get to the rapid deployment of safe, effective treatments.”

A Cocktail That Clears COVID-19

According to Tennessee Republican Rep. Mark Green, a former Army flight surgeon who appeared with Shannon Bream on Fox News Thursday night, the French study touted by Rigano earlier this week showed that when mixed in a “cocktail” with the antibiotic azithromycin (the familiar “Z-pack” often given to patients who have bronchitis and/or bacterial pneumonia), hydroxychloroquine can completely clear COVID-19 in as little as three days. It happened in all patients who were in the study. The sample size in the study he referenced was small, Green said, “so it’s kind of hard to extrapolate…to the whole population, but it’s very promising. One hundred percent of the virus gone in six days.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

STUNNING DEVELOPMENT: 2005 US NIH Study Found Chloroquine Was Effective in Treating Coronavirus In Primates -- Why Was This Ignored? via @gatewaypundit