All of us, every single man, woman, and child on the face of the Earth were born with the same unalienable rights; to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And, if the governments of the world can't get that through their thick skulls, then, regime change will be necessary.
Thursday, October 31, 2024
At Least 95 Dead, Many More Missing, In "Unfathomable" Rainfall In Valencia—A YEAR'S Worth Of Rain In Hours
The scale of the flooding currently unfolding in Valencia, Spain is unfathomable. This is footage from Chiva, where a jaw-dropping 343 mm of rain was recorded in just 4 hours earlier today, between 4:30 PM and 8:30 PM.
— Nahel Belgherze (@WxNB_) October 29, 2024
Video credit: Nalabcer
"Allow us to loot you with useless carbon credits and maybe we'll stop... or maybe we won't. But in either case pay our fear porn tax or we'll make it worse"
Wednesday, October 30, 2024

WATCH: President Trump speaks to the press from MAGA GARBAGE TRUCK ahead of Green Bay, WI rally
— RSBN 🇺🇸 (@RSBNetwork) October 30, 2024
Day one of Trumps presidency
— RightWingBanger (@RightWingBanger) October 30, 2024
Democrat Mayor Matt Tuerk tries to stop a Trump rally in Allentown, PA
Democrat Mayor Matt Tuerk tries to stop a Trump rally in Allentown, PA
— Clown World ™ 🤡 (@ClownWorld_) October 29, 2024
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
BREAKING: Lancaster, Pennsylvania officials have BUSTED a large-scale fraudulent voter registration scheme that includes thousands of applications with the same handwriting, fake signatures, false addresses, etc.
BREAKING: Lancaster, Pennsylvania officials have BUSTED a large-scale fraudulent voter registration scheme that includes thousands of applications with the same handwriting, fake signatures, false addresses, etc
— George (@BehizyTweets) October 25, 2024
They discovered the same scheme in other Pennsylvania counties.…
19 Year Old Dies Immediately Following the Flu Shot. 💉 Brain Swelling, Coma, Death
19 Year Old Dies Immediately Following the Flu Shot. 💉
— “Sudden And Unexpected” (@toobaffled) October 26, 2024
Brain Swelling, Coma, Death 🕊️
TRUMP'S MADISON SQUARE GARDEN RALLY: Vivek Ramaswamy Warns Illegal Immigrants, “We will return you to your country of origin, not because you're all bad people but because you broke the law."
Vivek Ramaswamy (@VivekGRamaswamy) brought major energy, advocating for “safe neighborhoods, good jobs, clean streets” and “a country where you are judged based on the content of your character, not the color of your skin or your political beliefs.”
— The Vigilant Fox 🦊 (@VigilantFox) October 28, 2024
He then issued a stern…
BREAKING: Pennsylvania GOP Committeewoman Taken Away in Handcuffs For Encouraging People to Stay in Line and Vote After Democrat Election Worker Misleads Voters
I was just taken away in handcuffs at the Delaware County, PA Government Center for encouraging people to stay in line and vote. #FightFightFight #Trump2024 #Trump #MAGA #Vote #Delco
— Val Biancaniello (@luckyvalpal) October 28, 2024
Pennsylvania GOP Committeewoman and RNC delegate Val Biancaniello was taken away in handcuffs for telling voters at a polling place in Delaware County to stay in line and vote.
It is unclear if Biancaniello was booked and charged.
According to Val Biancaniello, the Democrats were discouraging voters from in-person voting on Monday in Delaware County so she encouraged voters to stay in line.
“I was just taken away in handcuffs at the Delaware County, Pennsylvania Government Center for encouraging people to stay in line and vote,” Val Biancaniello said.
Bystanders were shocked as police handcuffed Biancaniello.
“Wow! That’s crazy! You locked her up? That is insane! She is not influencing people!” and onlooker said as police escorted Biancaniello away in handcuffs.
Monday, October 28, 2024
BREAKING! Dem Operative Caught In Undercover Video Explaining How They Allegedly Stole 2020 Election in GA: From Kicking Out GOP Poll Watchers to Nursing Home Ballot Harvesting to Identifying A Driver in 2000 Mules
CAUGHT ON TAPE: Democratic Operative Details Potentially Illegal Ballot Harvesting Schemes Used to Rig American Elections; Appears to Admit 2020 Election Fraud Took Place in Georgia
— Steven Crowder (@scrowder) October 28, 2024
MugClub Army - please be aware of this type of activity ahead of Election Day!
Send ALL tips and…
A stunning undercover video that was just released by Steven Crowder, reveals a Democrat operative, who can be seen explaining to an undercover female how members of his party are stealing elections from Republicans.
During his lengthy discussion, Joel Caldwell, the director of operations for The Coalition For The People’s Agenda in Georgia explains how elections are stolen, by using a variety of methods, from kicking Republican poll watchers out of the State Farm Arena in 2020 because of an alleged water main break, to ballot harvesting in nursing homes, to verifying the 2000 Mules movie was accurate, while admitting he believes he was able to identify a union member’s vehicle that was seen in the Dinesh D’Souza movie based on True the Vote’s research.
This is the most important undercover video you will watch about how Democrats are reportedly stealing our elections.
According to Joel’s LinkedIn page, he is also the communication Specialist for the Georgia AFL-CIO.
Unhinged lunacy.
— RBe (@RBPundit) October 28, 2024
"It’s also hard to believe Kamala openly said these things"
This is the most damning political ad I’ve ever seen. It’s also hard to believe Kamala openly said these things. Just wow
— The_Real_Fly (@The_Real_Fly) October 26, 2024
I Was Told We'd Be Seeing a Nuremberg Rally, and All I Got Was a Lackluster Don Rickles Vegas Lounge Act Circa 1963
Last Night’s Rally, From Afar.
So the event was pretty anodyne. What was most jarring to me was the pacifist tone taken by some speakers. Joe Biden was denounced as a warmonger. But to be a warmonger, don’t you have to start at least one war? Biden is a terrible commander in chief, as manifested in his withdrawal from Afghanistan, but he didn’t display there the instincts of a warmonger. The opposite, if anything. And it may be reasonable to blame Biden, in part, for the wars that have broken out in Ukraine and Israel, but that is on account of weakness, not militarism.
Worse, in my view, were the denunciations of Dick Cheney and, implicitly, George W. Bush. The days when Republicans stood for a vigorous national defense are apparently gone. When Lutnick shouted “Crush the jihad!” it was a jarring echo of a vanished era. And more than one speaker criticized our support for both Ukraine and Israel from what can only be described as an isolationist perspective.
So last night’s successful, if rather tame, rally leaves the Democrats as the only party to hold a Nazi-themed event in recent years.
As for the comedian, Tony Hinchcliffe, we missed him, so I watched his bit on YouTube this morning. He was mildly amusing and inoffensive for the most part, but he made jokes about Puerto Ricans and others that were arguably racist. They were the kind of joke that comedians like Don Rickles told in the 1960s. But the Democrats have seized on Hinchcliffe’s appearance and made it the only “news” story to emerge from the rally.
Which makes one wonder: why did the Trump campaign think it was a good idea to put Hinchcliffe on stage? I’m told that his material last night was relatively mild; frequently, he is more controversial. The Trump team knew that the Democrats had gone all-in on characterizing last night’s event as a neo-Nazi rally. Trump’s speech made that charge look silly, but his campaign allowed the Democrats to claim vindication by needlessly featuring Hinchcliffe.
Kill Tony Just About Kills Himself Attempting to "Warm Up" The Crowd At The Trump Rally"
“The day I take the oath of office, the migrant invasion of our country ENDS, and the restoration of our country BEGINS.” — President Trump in New York City
— RSBN 🇺🇸 (@RSBNetwork) October 27, 2024
President Trump: “I’m asking you to be excited about the future of our country again.”
— RSBN 🇺🇸 (@RSBNetwork) October 27, 2024
President Trump promises to make America AFFORDABLE again, eliminate taxes on tips, overtime, and Social Security at Madison Square Garden rally, and announces NEW POLICY…
— RSBN 🇺🇸 (@RSBNetwork) October 27, 2024
.@TulsiGabbard at Madison Square Garden: "A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for Dick Cheney, and it's a vote for more war, likely World War III and nuclear war. A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for a man who wants to end wars, not start them, and who has demonstrated already…
— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) October 27, 2024
🚨WATCH: FLOTUS @MELANIATRUMP's full remarks at Madison Square Garden:
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) October 27, 2024
"This town has produced America's most fearless leaders whose mark changed the course of the world. New York City and America needs their magic back."
Sunday, October 27, 2024
Embattled Democratic Mayor Eric Adams Defends Trump, Refutes Kamala and Top Democrats for Calling Trump a ‘Fascist’
NEW – NYC Mayor Eric Adams Pushes Back on Kamala Harris' Claims That Trump is a Fascist
— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) October 26, 2024
"I have had those terms hurled at me by some political leaders in the city using terms like Hitler and fascist. My answer is no. I know what Hitler has done and I know what a fascist regime…
Saturday, October 26, 2024
Stage Full of Abortion Doctors in White Lab Coats at Kamala Harris Rally Spin Around in Confusion as Audience Member Has Medical Emergency
KAMALA brings 10 abortion "doctors " on stage to praise abortion.
— Publius (@OcrazioCornPop) October 26, 2024
Someone in audience has a medical emergency and all the "doctors" heads start spinning looking for someone else who can help.
"I think someone needs some medical assistance over here."
When someone in the audience was in need of medical assistance, Kamala Harris’s abortion doctors looked around clueless.
“Medic! Medic! Medic!” people shouted as someone suffered a medical emergency.
All the doctors heads started spinning around looking for someone who can help.
These "Doctor's" job is to assist death, not life.
Fifth Circuit: Only Ballots Received by Election Day May Be Counted; It Is Illegal and Unconstitutional To Count "Votes" Recieved After Election Day
Fifth Circuit: Only Ballots Received by Election Day May Be Counted; It Is Illegal and Unconstitutional To Count "Votes" Recieved After Election Day
The left has been fighting to count votes received four or five or more days after the constitutionally-specified election day.
This appeals court covers Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas. It doesn't cover that state I mentioned the other day that will count votes four days after the election. However, this ruling could cause other courts to adopt this rule, or the Supreme Court to impose it on them.
The below tweet is incorrect -- a circuit appeals court's decision is only binding on the jurisdictions of the circuit. Sometimes a rinky-dink trail court judge will claim a decision binds the entire nation everywhere. We call those "Hawaiian judges." I've noticed a lot of those decisions get vacated.
We'll have to see. There aren't many days left for litigation!
BREAKING: Israel Begins Strikes on Iran, Blasts Reported in Tehran
In response to months of continuous attacks from the regime in Iran against the State of Israel—right now the Israel Defense Forces is conducting precise strikes on military targets in Iran.
— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) October 25, 2024
The regime in Iran and its proxies in the region have been relentlessly attacking…
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) October 25, 2024
First picture of Israel’s airstrikes against Iran
Israel hits inside Tehran/Iran right now.
— Asaad Sam Hanna (@AsaadHannaa) October 25, 2024
It started.
🚨 BREAKING: *NYT Reports Israeli Attack on Iran Underway*
— Agentis GeoP 🇷🇸🇷🇺☦️ (@AgentisGeop) October 25, 2024
The New York Times has reported that Israel has launched a strike on Iranian targets, escalating tensions in the region.
BREAKING: Israel has launched an attack on Iran.
— Dominic Michael Tripi (@DMichaelTripi) October 25, 2024
Friday, October 25, 2024
On the other hand they really could just think Kamala Harris is that bad.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) October 25, 2024
Kamala Harris - "He's Hitler
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) October 25, 2024
Washington Post - "Yeah we've thought about it and we're still not going to endorse you over Hitler. Sorry."
They won’t endorse Kamala Harris, but they think her girlfriend-slapping husband is super sexy.
— John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) October 25, 2024
LEAKED: Police Chief's Anti-First Amendment Message to his Officers
SURPRISE, Ariz., Oct. 24, 2024 — A judge threw out the criminal charge looming over the head of an Arizona mom who was arrested for criticizing a city attorney’s pay raise at a city council meeting. The judge called the government’s suppression of Rebekah Massie’s speech “objectively outrageous” and dismissed her trespass charge.
“For more than two months I’ve been living with the threat of punishment and jail time — being taken away from my kids, even — for doing nothing more than criticizing the government,” said Rebekah. “Free speech still matters in America, and I can’t tell you what a relief it is to have people on my side standing up for our rights with me.”
Bret Royle, an attorney at Feldman Royle, represented Rebekah in the criminal case. The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression represents Rebekah in her federal lawsuit, filed on Sept. 3.
The lawsuit challenges the Surprise, Arizona, city rule that forbids people from criticizing government officials at city council meetings. After FIRE’s lawsuit, the city ditched the rule.
“Rebekah should never have been detained, let alone criminally charged, for speaking her mind,” said Royle. “That’s the kind of thing that happens in tyrannical countries but should never happen here. No American should face jail time for exercising their freedom of speech, and we’re relieved the court agreed.”
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Kamala Harris's Answers In Her CNN Advertising Opportunity Were "Word Salad City," Says... Obama Campaign Director David Axelrod and Racist Agitator Van Jones
Below, CNN's leftwing propagandists (and Scott Jennings) blast Kamala for her "word salad stuff," as noted racist Van Jones call it. Dana Bash reports that she's hearing from her Democrat friends and controllers that "if Kamala Harris's goal was to close the deal tonight, they're not sure she did that."
GO READ THE WHOLE THING.NEW: CNN’s Scott Jennings says Kamala Harris is a “double-threat” because she can’t think on her feet and can’t answer the expected questions.
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) October 24, 2024
CNN has railed on Harris after her town hall event.
Here are the top reactions:
6. Axelrod: She is word salad city.
5. Jennings:…
2019 Kamala: I will never support the wall.
— MAZE (@mazemoore) October 24, 2024
2024 Kamala: Criticizes Trump for not building more wall. 🤣🤡
Chicago Resident Blasts Democrats in Epic Speech in Support of Trump “I’m Telling You, Brandon Johnson, From My Heart to Yours: Trump 2024″
“I’m telling you, Brandon Johnson, from my heart to yours: Trump 2024.” —Chicago residents CALLS OUT Mayor Brendon Johnson and local leaders over excessive spending on illegal migrants.
— I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸 (@ImMeme0) October 22, 2024
“You’re running the city into the ground. We asked you over and over again to stop with the…
IS THIS TRUE? J6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang Thrown in Permanent Solitary Confinement
The Biden-Harris regime has passed a red line that hallmarks all totalitarian regimes: persecution and torture.
January 6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang has been thrown in solitary confinement permanently for posting a video from a secret contraband cell phone of himself praying, Holy Bible in hand, on the floor of his prison cell.
This Is Just Unbelievable
Breaking: Israel Hayom reports that the leaker of classified documents from the Pentagon was Ariane Tabatabai.
— Eyal Yakoby (@EYakoby) October 22, 2024
Tabatabai kept her security clearance in Oct. 2023, despite credible allegations she was spying for Iran. The failure to remove her security clearance led to this.
In case anyone is interested, here is the congressional letter sent to Lloyd Austin last September relating to the grave concerns about Ariane Tabatabai and her direct and known relationship with the IRGC.
— Cheryl E 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🎗️ (@CherylWroteIt) October 22, 2024
There is NO excuse for her to even still be in the job nevertheless have…
Bonnie Henry, Canadian Ministry of Health Says You Should Give Your 6 Month Old Infant the COVID Injection
She can stuff it up her old, dried out kooter. Never taking their poison again.
— Bruce Wine (@hedseeker) October 22, 2024
Pro-Transgenderism-for-Children Partisans Receive $10 Million from Federal Government to Prove Puberty Blockers Help 11-Year-Old Children. But Now That the Data Show Children Aren't Helped -- and May Be Hurt -- They Refuse to Pubish the Results.
A radical pro-transgenderism-for-children "researcher" asked the government for around $10 million for a "study." Really, a propaganda effort as we now know.
One single study conducted in the Netherlands claimed that children benefit from being pumped full of sterilizing chemical castration agents.
This claim is widely derided. She wanted to prove that pumping children full of sex-change hormones is good for them.
Well, her study proved that children are not helped by the hormones.
And guess what she did next?
She decided to simply withhold the study that we paid $10 million for, because she doesn't want the study's conclusion to be used against transgender fanatics like herself.
Even the trans-crazy New York Times finds it curious that "science" is now being published or withheld from publication based on the political agenda of the "scientist" involved.
U.S. Study on Puberty Blockers Goes Unpublished Because of Politics, Doctor Says
The leader of the long-running study said that the drugs did not improve mental health in children with gender distress and that the finding might be weaponized by opponents of the care.I repeat: We paid $10 million for this attempted propaganda operation and now that the proof is in that transgender drugs are harmful to children, they're locking up the results.
Sue them for the $10 million back and lodge FOIA after FOIA for the results. We fucking paid for them. They have no right to classify them as Top Secret just because the truth is other than what they prayed for.
Whistleblower: The Harris-Biden Administration is Paying NGOs to Fly Unaccompanied Minor Children Around, Knowing They're Being Sexually Trafficked
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Canadian MP Claims Jasper Wildfire Was Planned and Perpetuated By The Government
The Jasper wildfire investigation will resume on Wednesday.
— Dan Mazier (@MBDan7) October 21, 2024
Here's what the investigation has revealed so far:
1) Minister Guilbeault’s senior officials were caught discussing cancelling prescribed burns for ‘political’ purposes, months before Jasper burned.
2) Minister…
The Jasper wildfire investigation will resume on Wednesday.
Here’s what the investigation has revealed so far:
1) Minister Guilbeault’s senior officials were caught discussing cancelling prescribed burns for ‘political’ purposes, months before Jasper burned.
2) Minister Guilbeault’s top officials at Parks Canada couldn’t tell Parliament how many hectares of dead pine remain standing in Jasper.
3) Minister Guilbeault’s Vice-President at Parks Canada claimed he does not take minutes at his operations team meetings, following requests for evidence.
4) Minister Guilbeault’s department turned away 50 firefighters and 20 fire trucks who arrived on scene to stop the fires.
5) Minister Guilbeault’s department handcuffed the Alberta government from decision making when they were trying to help.
6) Minister Guilbeault did ‘NOTHING…to address the landscape of beetle killed timber to prevent the mega fire’ according to a forestry expert who warned the Liberals that a fire was inevitable if they didn’t act.
7) Minister Guilbeault’s department threatened arrest and forceful removal to a fire crew that arrived on scene to help.
The verdict of the Jasper wildfire investigation is becoming very clear:
The Jasper wildfire was a result of the Liberal government’s forest mismanagement and gross negligence.
Kamala Was Drunk At Her Fake "Town Hall," As Usual
Is Kamala ok?
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) October 22, 2024
Kamala Harris was clearly drunk at a public event, yet again.
Listen to the drunken pronunciation of words. Listen to the well-lubricated "ck" sounds in the back of her well-traveled throat, the classic drunken insistence ("you have to believe me, I love you man") on silly nonsense, the slow deliberate speech as she attempts to cover for her slurring.
Why would she show up to so many public events clearly drunk? I have a theory that she has either social anxiety or panic disorder. She drinks to ameliorate her stage fright. She might be taking pills in addition to the booze, like xanax for anxiety and klonopin for panic. I don't know about xanax, but I do know, from having taken it for years, that klonopin is a depressant and doubles or trebles the effects of alcohol. So her speech impairment could be due to "just" two or three drinks plus a pill that increases the impact of booze.
One time, when I was on klonopin, I drank enough to get drunk. I was so addled by the combination of the drugs that when I stumbled into a taxi to go home, I could not remember my home address. My GF at the time had to guess the general vicinity until eventually she coaxed it out of me with hints like "It has a 3 in it it, doesn't it?"
Even if this is the case: She's unfit for office. Even if she's "merely" drinking to self-medicate her stage fright, anxiety, or panic, she's still an alcoholic.
Watch Liz’s face … she thinks Kamala is a moron but now it’s too late. She’s all in.
— The🐰FOO (@PolitiBunny) October 21, 2024
Fact-check people said this clip of Kamala was manipulated to make her sound like a bad drunk. But, in a longer version of the original, she’s arguably worse:
— Freddy Gray (@Freddygray31) October 22, 2024
Polls: Trump Winning Latinos 49-38%, Has Historic 29% Share of Black Vote
Trump winning in polls... this is Fox News right? IT'S ABC NEWS!!! The early vote shows a 10-point swing towards Republicans in the battleground states of FL, GA, MI, NC, PA, VA, and WI.
— Doug In Exile (@douginexile) October 20, 2024
What did Republicans do in the last 4 years to CREATE more Republicans? We don't own social…
Los Angeles Times Declines to Endorse Kamala for President
Los Angeles Times won’t endorse Kamala for president
“The paper’s editorial board, which has endorsed Democratic candidates in every presidential race since it first endorsed then-Sen. Barack Obama in 2008, was preparing to do so once again this election.
But according to two people familiar with the situation, executive editor Terry Tang told editorial board staff earlier this month that the paper would not be endorsing a candidate in the presidential election this cycle, a decision that came from the paper’s owner Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, a doctor who made his fortune in the healthcare industry.”
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
ELECTION INTERFERENCE: Team Kamala Harris Colluding with Far-Left British Political Operatives to “Kill Musk’s Twitter”- Musk Responds with Fiery Message
Secretary General of the UN Demands Israel Release Sinwar's Body So UN Members Can Pay Their Respects While Body Lies In State
Antonio Guterres Demands Israel Release Sinwar's Body So UN Members Can Pay Their Respects While Body Lies In State
— Associated Fress (@AssociatedFress) October 20, 2024
CNN: "Trump Insanely Smart"
NEW: CNN's morning crew praises President Donald Trump for working the drive-thru at McDonald's
— Unlimited L's (@unlimited_ls) October 21, 2024
Kasie Hunt: "I never thought he would do something like that..."
Kristen Soltis Anderson: "Well, part of what you what is so striking about them is that he’s not trying to not be…
How to Destroy a Company with Mercenary, Cost-Cutting Executives
GO READ THE WHOLE THING.Mr. Mukunda’s piece may be the best I have read about the destruction being wrought on once-great corporations by executives obsessed with cost cutting to bring about short-term stock gains. There is one corollary he didn’t touch on, which is the damage being done to corporations by green and ESG distractions. I’ll briefly touch on that, but first here is a sample of Mr. Mukunda’s outstanding piece. I encourage you to link it and read the whole thing.
“From 737s To Sneakers, It’s The Same Sad Story” [Forbes – 9/21/2024]
The CEO of a legendary American company steps down after a series of reverses. His company used to dominate its industry, was the leader in innovation, and succeeded so massively that it became an icon of American success. Despite this track record, it had turned to an outsider with a financial background, but no experience in, or passion for, the industry when it hired him. The new CEO focused on cost-cutting and squeezing profits from older products instead of making the investments necessary to invent new ones. The result was a spike in short-term profits that thrilled Wall Street but was soon followed by a precipitous decline as customers turned to competitors who had new and innovative offerings. The outsider CEO, after receiving tens of millions of dollars for destroying tens of billions of dollars in value, retires, leaving a successor to pick up the pieces.Boeing and Nike are given as examples.
Nike has just provided us with another case study. Because the product life cycle in fashion is much faster than it is in airplanes, it took only years, instead of generations, to cripple a great company. When John Donahoe became the CEO of Nike in 2020, he was the company’s second-ever outsider CEO. Donahoe had been the CEO of eBay and Bain but – critically – he had no history in shoes, or sporting goods, or even in fashion.Mr. Mukunda goes on to discuss how CEO Donohoe was so oblivious to the products Nike sold, that several years into his tenure he referred to Nike’s proprietary “ZoomX foam” as “Zoom 10 foam.” But in the circles where Mr. Donahoe comes from, there is no difference between a widget and an airplane and a tennis shoe.
Donahoe slashed sales teams and R&D and shifted products from Nike’s retail partners to its own stores. Unsurprisingly, this boosted numbers in the short term.Cutting costs, reducing headcount, and slashing research and development is how the current crop of mercenary executives conduct business.
He laid off hundreds of marketers who had an intimate knowledge of Nike’s customers, intending to replace them with data driven insights. Product creation shifted from sports to demographics (instead of a department focused on creating products for basketball, it would have one creating products for men, like Zara, Gap, H&M, or any other generic fashion brand.
Fani Willis’s Lover Nathan Wade Admits to Multiple White House Meetings During Prosecution of President Trump in Georgia
BREAKING: The White House likely colluded with Nathan Wade on the case against Trump.
— Gunther Eagleman™ (@GuntherEagleman) October 21, 2024
According to the transcripts released he had a conference with White House counsel on:
- May 23rd, 2022
- November 18th, 2022
This is what a corrupt government looks like.
Our tax dollars…
Fani Willis’s special prosecutor and illicit lover Nathan Wade admitted he met with the Biden-Harris White House on multiple occasions during the prosecution of President Trump in the Georgia RICO case.
Nathan Wade arrived on Capitol Hill for an interview with the House Judiciary Committee last week. Fani Willis sent out a letter to Chairman Jim Jordan demanding Nathan Wade’s testimony be canceled. She also demanded that Wade not answer any questions.
🚨 BREAKING: Nathan Wade admitted to multiple White House meetings during Trump Georgia probe in an interview by House Judiciary Committee staff
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) October 21, 2024Wade did not disclose the details of his supposed meetings with White House representatives, including if they were in-person or remote, but he acknowledged the existence of invoices and other records that indicated discussions occurred.
Monday, October 21, 2024
Andrew Tate sides with Hamas
Controversial social media personality Andrew Tate posted on X/Twitter on Saturday that he was praying to die a death like former Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar.When somebody openly describes himself as a misogynist, it's clear the issue is not feminism, leftist or otherwise, and that, much like he's antisemitic, Tate also hates women as human beings. As for Reuters, it sure is odd they seemingly care, considering they've written reports before that are both hostile to Israel, and unhelpful to women. And "masculine"? For heaven's sake, he is anything but "masculine" if that's how he's going act. All he's done is prove he's not a gentleman and doesn't respect women's dignity and honor.
"I can only pray for a death as heroic as Yahya Sinwar," Tate wrote. "Brave, defiant in the face of evil and dedicated to his lifes purpose. He deserves eternal rest. He earnt it."
[...] Who is Andrew Tate?
A self-described misogynist, social media influencer Tate has gained millions of fans by promoting an ultra-masculine lifestyle that critics say denigrates women, according to Reuters.
Tate sure has proven himself one of the worst influences and examples of the 21st century.
Over 200,000 Americans killed by the COVID vaccine: 10 methods, same answer
Over 200,000 Americans killed by the COVID vaccine: 10 methods, same answer
Many people have no clue how many people have been killed by the COVID vaccines. I list ten different methods and they all given similar results. You can question each one, but not all 10.
The methods
Here is a list of different methods to estimate the number of Americans killed by the COVID shots:
Big data analysis (Rancourt et al., 78 countries, see p286): 0.00127*672M doses= 853,000 deaths
Public survey (Skidmore): 217,000 in 2021 alone. No estimate for subsequent years.
VAERS (How many deaths were caused by the covid vaccines? by UK Professor Norman Fenton): 120,000 + 70,000 = 190,000 deaths minimum.
Doctors I know personally: Estimates came in consistently at 4 to 5 per 1,000 vaccinated. Since there are 270M Americans who got the shot, this predicts 1.1M deaths.
Survey of medical practices (46 complete responses): 3 per 1,000 vaccinated by excluding sites claiming 1% or more death rates. This predicts 810,000 deaths.
Paramedic survey (9 responses): If we ignore all the high reports, the average of the five remaining reporting 5 or fewer COVID vaccine deaths was 2.5. Since there are 100,000 paramedics, this suggests that 250,000 deaths would be a conservative estimate. Ignoring the largest two reports as outliers, the average was 6 suggesting that as many as 600,000 deaths is a ballpark estimate at the true number.
VAERS estimate: There are over 19,058 American deaths in the US VAERS system (per query). Assuming 70% are caused by the vaccine and an under-reporting factor of 50, we get 670,000 deaths.
Large geriatric medical practice: Tidewater Family Practice is a medical practice that specializes in the elderly. Their all-cause mortality rates went from 10 a year before the vax rolled out to over 48 deaths in 2023. It’s hard to extrapolate that to a normal population.
Rasmussen survey: Vaccine deaths were 45% relative to COVID deaths. So given that there were over 1M COVID deaths, this translates into 450,000 COVID deaths. Note that half of America doesn’t think the COVID vaccine killed anyone so we expected this estimate to be lower by a factor of 2 or more.
Ethical Skeptic analysis of natural cause excess deaths. He found 755K died, constituting a vaccine fatality rate of .33% per person vaccinated which is remarkably close to what the doctors I know estimated (0.4%). He notes the COVID IFR was 0.27%. The baseline for the chart was from 2014 to 2019.
Czech Republic data: Moderna had 30% higher 1 year ASMR than Pfizer on an absolute basis. Assuming Pfizer is 100% safe and half of America got Moderna, this would be a 15% ACM increase for 1 year minimum. Since the US mortality is around 3M per year, a 15% increase for one year is 450,000 deaths.
Jay Bonnar’s statistics: Jay has nearly 15,000 friends in his Outlook contacts and 15 of them died unexpectedly after getting their COVID shots. Jay has only one friend prior to the vaccine rollout die unexpectedly. In addition, he only lost one friend to COVID. So he lost 1 friend per 1,000 vaccinated. So extrapolating, we’d estimate 270,000 COVID deaths. Jay says it’s quite possible he wasn’t aware of all deaths among his friends, so this should be considered a lower-bound data point.
Denver police officer anecdote: I’m in the process of trying to get confirmation of this via FOIA to the Denver police department, but this is a 50X increase in natural cause deaths after the shots rolled out and I don’t think the police officer is joking about this. I’ve talked to him personally.
One paramedic summed it up very nicely: “I've been a paramedic almost 20 years. Since these shots came out I've seen things I've never seen before, otherwise perfectly healthy young people dropping dead for no reason. It's been crazy, and I really pray it doesn't get worse.” See the paramedic and doctor survey.