Friday, March 20, 2020

How Long Will Americans Tolerate Corona-Madness?

A usually level-headed Christian conservative lashed out on Facebook, scolding everyone they thought was not taking the coronavirus seriously enough. Fake news media has successfully infected many with irrational fear. 
Hearing Gov. Larry Hogan on my car radio announcing his executive order to close bars, restaurants, gyms, and theaters sounded like the script of a 1950s horror movie. “We will stop the spread of this deadly disease!” dramatically proclaimed Hogan. 
Little more than 100 have died in the U.S. and under 9,000 worldwide. 
According to the CDC, during the 2018-2019 flu season, an estimated 16.5 million people got sick and 34,000 died in the U.S. 
When Hogan mentioned plans to restrict church gatherings, a chill went up my spine. In the United States of America, government is mandating that people not attend church. Wow! 



Apocalypse Fatigue: Why Won't At-Risk Boomers Panic About the Wuhan Virus?

In the past week, a story that keeps getting written and re-written by young journalists is the stubborn refusal of older Americans to panic about the Wuhan Virus. Pretty much every story reads: “Why is it that a healthy young American like me - in the demographic most likely to survive Coronavirus – is panicking right now, while my Boomer parents/grandparents, who are highly vulnerable to death by Coronavirus, refuse to panic or radically change their lifestyle?”


thelastenglishprince said...

We should care about this:

Remember, these clowns also take an oath.

revereridesagain said...

We've seen it all before. We're old enough to remember panicking every time we got sick before the development of the polio vaccine. Old enough to have grandparents who survived the 1918 Spanish Flu. Old enough to have had to hide under our desks because Russia was gonna drop the Bomb and We're All Gonna Die! Some are old enough to not really give a rodent's rear.

Pastorius said...

They've been telling me we're all gonna die since I was 5.

Always On Watch said...

Crying wolf story. Eventually, the wolf came, did he not?

Always On Watch said...

I remember the polio epidemic. My parents didn't panic, but did make sure I got a vaccine once it was available.