Friday, March 20, 2020

Chloroquine Already Used on Coronavirus in US — Study Shows 100% Success Rate — And May Act as Preventative to Virus



Redneck Texan said...

Lawyers ...... our litigious justice system .... it might kill us yet.

Of course I'm sure the patent has run out on it and the FDA is well lobbied against anything generic as well.

.... so is it safe to eat Bat at my Chinese restaurant again yet? or just take out Pangolin?

Redneck Texan said...

Those Nazi Scientists ..... god love them.

Anonymous said...

Israeli generic drug giant Teva announced Friday that it will provide ten million doses of its anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine, which could potentially prove effective in fighting the coronavirus pandemic, to US hospitals free of charge.

In France, the Sanofi laboratory said it was ready Tuesday to offer millions of doses of hydroxychloroquine to potentially treat 300,000 patients. SNIP

According to the study carried out by Prof. Raoult on 24 patients with coronavirus, six days after the start of taking hydroxychloroquine, the virus had disappeared in three-quarters of people treated.

Anonymous said...

If this drug combination is as successful at arresting this virus as suggested, it would explain why the House and Senate were so eager to quickly cooperate and pass the trillion dollar cash aid package. Also explains the sudden praise for Trump from CA governor, Schumer, Cuomo, DeBlasio, Ilhan Omar and other progressive opposition gleefully salivating with their hands out for taxpayer windfall.

Always On Watch said...

We will know soon.

WC said...

You can't get chloroquine. Just yesterday I asked my wife who has a DEA license if she could prescribe it. The pharmacies will not dispense it. The FDA has locked it down.

Always On Watch said...

I'm not surprised. Medical personnel, first responders, and our military will get it first. Um, maybe scumbag politicians, too.

Pastorius said...

Just watch, despite all the promises, they will never get this to the public, and the lockdown will just continue, EVEN THOUGH CHLOROQUINE WORKS AGAINST CORONAVIRUS AS A PROPHYLACTIC

Pete Rowe said...

I don't even want it. I just want people to be allowed to get back to work.

Pastorius said...

I feel the same way as you.

But I do believe it works, and therefore, it would solve the problem.