Saturday, March 21, 2020

I Read The News Today, Oh Boy

Nearly 5,500 National Guard Troops Deployed in 32 States Over Coronavirus Outbreak

NY State Declared Major Disaster Area After 56 Coronavirus Deaths — Military is Outlining Plans to Take Over Hotels, Dormitories, Arenas to Treat Patients


Anonymous said... Evidence over hysteria--COVID-19
33 minute read
After watching the outbreak of COVID-19 for the past two months, I’ve followed the pace of the infection, its severity, and how our world is tackling the virus. While we should be concerned and diligent, the situation has dramatically elevated to a mob-like fear spreading faster than COVID-19 itself. When 13% of Americans believe they are currently infected with COVID-19 (mathematically impossible), full-on panic is blocking our ability to think clearly and determine how to deploy our resources to stop this virus. Over three-fourths of Americans are scared of what we are doing to our society through law and hysteria, not of infection or spreading COVID-19 to those most vulnerable.

The following article is a systematic overview of COVID-19 driven by data from medical professionals and academic articles that will help you understand what is going on (sources include CDC, WHO, NIH, NHS, University of Oxford, Stanford, Harvard, NEJM, JAMA, and several others). I’m quite experienced at understanding virality, how things grow, and data. In my vocation, I’m most known for popularizing the “growth hacking movement” in Silicon Valley that specializes in driving rapid and viral adoption of technology products. Data is data. Our focus here isn’t treatments but numbers. You don’t need a special degree to understand what the data says and doesn’t say. Numbers are universal......follow link to continue reading

thelastenglishprince said...

The DOJ is requesting emergency powers, to detain without trial.

This suspends civil rights. Be arrested. Be thrown into some dark hole for endless months.

We have become China.

Will we allow our government to strip us of all rights and impose martial law?

This is the question.