Saturday, March 21, 2020

Vice: Most of You Are Concerrned About People Dying from the Chinese Flu, But Please Give a Thought to the Real Victims: Transgenders Who Are Having Their Elective Dick-Amputation Surgeries Delayed

From Ace of Spades:
Though medical facilities may soon become overtaxed for everyone, the coronavirus pandemic has shed light on how transgender people's care can be treated as "non-essential." 
Well I think I have all the "light" I need on this matter. Their surgeries -- butcheries, really -- are absolutely "non-essential" and so, through a complex process called "calling things what they are," have been deemed "non-essential." I know that the idea of calling things what they are is anathema to some.
For transgender and gender non-conforming people, gender-affirming surgeries are life-altering procedures, which, for many, can greatly reduce gender dysphoria and improve their quality of life. But in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, trans communities on Reddit and Twitter are being flooded with reports of postponed and canceled surgeries in the U.S., U.K., Spain, Thailand, and elsewhere, leading to enormous stress and disappointment on top of a global health crisis. 
This underscores a common experience amongst trans people seeking medical care or surgery: Research has suggested that gender-affirming surgery, in particular, has a notable and long-term impact on mental health, but far too often, trans people already wait far longer than is safe or healthy for this care. Further delays can be dangerous and even life-threatening. 
When you say delays can be "life-threatening," you're referring to them threatening their own lives, right? I mean, their penises aren't tumors, right?

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