Sunday, March 22, 2020

WATCH: NY Doctor says his hospital already using Chloroquine for coronavirus patients and have had ZERO deaths

Dr. William Grace told Ingraham that they have 100 patients and have had zero deaths after the use of Hydroxychloroquine. 
Hydroxychloroquine is the less toxic version of Chloroquine. Grace said that a big reason older people die from the coronavirus is that their lungs fill up with fluid as part of an immune response to the virus. 
Hydroxychloroquine works, Grace notes, in both inhibiting the immune response and inhibiting the replication of the virus.


Anonymous said...

OT but related:
New Hampshire retail stores are being ordered to temporarily transition to the use of single-use paper or plastic bags because of the risk that reusable bags could pose a risk of transmission of the coronavirus.

March 1st: "A ban on single-use plastic bags in New York begins today. Here’s what to know."

March 18th: "“Reusable tote bags can sustain the COVID-19 and flu viruses — and spread the viruses throughout the store.”

- Could the timing have been worse?

Pastorius said...

Yeah, no shit. I told my wife that from the beginning. But she still wanted to believe the Gaia lie.