Monday, February 21, 2022

Is Justine Castreau Deploying UN Forces To Take Over His Own Nation?


From Vlad Tepes:

To be clear, I saw with my own eyes, and will publish photos and video of these guys ASAP, large numbers of men in weird tope coloured uniforms with POLICE written on the backs but no other insignias. No way to identify them at all. 
The aircraft you are looking at, is at CFB North Bay. A quasi secret Canadian Forces base used for old NORAD operations. It stands to reason Trudeau would use foreign troops against Canadians. Typically tyrants have to find ...

1 comment:

Most Likely II said...

The UN isn't a worldwide ambassadorial body.

The UN is a prefix for everything True, Right, and Just.

Shizzay needs to be Bulldozed into the East River.