Tuesday, April 02, 2024

People who have received 3 or more covid vaccines are immune imprinted

This is highly concerning. The ENTIRE selling point of the covid shot was that it would protect you from getting covid, it would boost your immune system to make it less severe. That was not truthful. As new “variants” came into existence, we just kept on shooting arms with the original vaccine. Even the newest boosters have ancestral Wuhan strains in them. And what has happened here is those old strains that are no longer making people sick (and haven’t since Delta arrived on scene in the summer of 2021) is by keeping that in the covid shots, we have wiped out the immune systems ability to recognize and fight the new “variants” out there. Why are heavily vaccinated people so sick with everything from covid to other viruses? This may hold the answer right here.

Original antigenic sin. That is what this is. This is why vaccinated people have immune systems that are running haywire. The covid shots trained the body to recognize the original wuhan strain, but removed the ability to fight back against the other strains.

Do the immune systems, of these "Immune Imprinted" people, also become incapable of recogizing diseases other than the COVID variants? 

If so, that would really explain "immune systems that are running haywire.


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