Monday, February 02, 2009

A United American Committee Interview of Dutch MP Geert Wilders

Jesse Petrilla and Tom Trento interview Dutch Member of Parliament Geert Wilders about the Islamization of Europe and its implications on America and the entire Western world

Hat tip: Right Side News >>>

United American Committee: Working for a better, safer tomorrow >>>

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback & Hardback) – Free delivery >>>


Anonymous said...

Jesse Petrilla and Tom Trento also recently returned from a European tour examining the extent of Islamization . . .
via FrontPageMag

I just returned to America from Europe where I lead an incredible delegation to meet with European leaders in an effort to see a glimpse into a possible future for America by viewing the end results of years of failed liberal policies on European nations. Let these experiences and facts serve as the warning to what will be the result if we blindly continue on a path of destruction sewn by politicians who believe socialism, appeasement, and other leftist policies will benefit America in any way.The trip started in Paris, the beautiful vacation land of good food, fine wine, arts, and European culture, or so I thought. Our tour guide in this city was the brilliant scholar Nidra Poller, whose insights and knowledge on French society shed light on everything we saw. She explained the social climate, the attitude of the government, and the current tensions and growing antisemitism that exists in the city. On the first day of our trip, local news reported that another synagogue was firebombed, a 4th that week, and a man had just been stabbed for wearing a Star of David by the notorious “disenfranchised youths” as the media calls them. Two days prior, there was a “peace” rally which resulted in the burning of dozens of cars, again by those pesky “youths” who for some reason yell “Allah Akbar” while rioting. We did an in studio interview on French radio where I bluntly explained to them that their problems were brought on by their leftist politicians who feel the need to push socialist and other leftist policies which have enabled all this to occur. Unfortunately these policies of open borders, refugee resettlement, welfare, and others, are exactly the same policies that the liberals in congress and the state assembly are constantly pushing here in America.
We met with an underground group of conservatives in Paris. It saddened me to see that the conservative movement was truly underground there, for fear of reprisals from employers or angry leftists. We met in a secure and private location with a half dozen or so various activists, in the hopes to encourage them to begin a grassroots movement, virtually non-existent in Europe. It was truly inspiring to meet with a young man who is the founder of a group called French Friends of the Republican Party, who sees what is going on around him and is willing to make a stand. We also met with the few conservative city leaders around Paris including Philippe Karsenty, the Deputy Mayor of the suburb of Neuilly. Philippe told us of a lawsuit he has been engaged in regarding the propagation of misinformation on both French and mid-east media. The most troubling item we learned when speaking with local leaders and law enforcement is the existence of no-go zones around Paris and around other European cities. They are Islamic neighborhoods where police absolutely refuse to enter,and where if you are not a Muslim and you are caught driving through it you will have bricks thrown at your car and may not make it out alive. One of the conservative activists we met up with by the name of David described a time when there was a new Chief of Police who decided he wanted to crack down on the no-go zones and send his police in, against the wishes of many other authorities. When the police entered one of the large 15 story commie-block style apartment buildings, someone pushed a refrigerator off the roof onto one of the squad cars. They don't go in there any more. These Islamic ghettos were brought on and paid for by social welfare programs, and the immigrants were welcomed with open arms in the name ofdiversity and multiculturalism. Yet unlike the immigrants of the past, assimilation has been lacking to say the least. An unnamed source gave us an example of the local police climate; although the police want to fight, they are greatly restricted. He explained that during a recent protest, someone began shooting at the police with a handgun, the officer in charge gave the order to his men not to return fire, and was given an award by the government for his restraint. That is the climate of liberalism.

[follow link to read the rest]

Anonymous said...

FWIW, Tom Trento of Watch distributed millions of copies of the award-winning DVD, "Obsession, Radical Islam’s War Against the West" to Americans all across the United States between 8/25 and 11/4/2008.

Tom Trento = Counter-jihad warrior extraordinaire.

Mark said...

Hope the distribution of the video did some good in dhimmiland!

Anonymous said...

Mark, based on our election results . . .your use of the word "hope" was funny.

Mark said...

Anonymous, I don't follow you. What has the election got yo do with the Geert Wilders video?