Monday, August 10, 2009

The Obama Administration Is An Abortion of The American Tradition

(In case anyone wonders what I mean by the American tradition, it is defined in our sidebar. All of us, every single man, woman, and child on the face of the Earth, were born with the same inalienable rights, to life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.)

So, Obamacare is going to pay for abortions, huh?

Well, then I submit to you two videos, the first from the Sex Pistols, performing "Bodies" live in Dallas, circa 1978:

Here are the lyrics:

She was a girl from birmingham
She just had an abortion
She was a case of insanity
Her name was pauline she lived in a tree
She was a no one who killed her baby
She sent her letters from the country
She was an animal she was a bloody disgrase

Body Im not an animal
Body Im not an animal

Dragged on a table in factory
Illegitimate place to be
In a packet in a lavatory
Die little baby screaming fucking bloody mess
Its not an animal its an abortion

Body Im not animal
Mummy Im not an abortion

Throbbing squirm, gurgling bloody mess
Im not an discharge, Im not a loss in
Protein, Im not a throbbing squirm

Fuck this and fuck that fuck it all and
Fuck the fucking brat
She dont wanna baby that looks like that
I dont wanna baby that looks like that
Body Im not an animal
Body Im not an abortion

Body Im not an animal
An animal
Im not an animal...
Im not an abortion...

Mummy! ugh!

The second video is from PJ Harvey, performing "Down By The Water":

Here are the lyrics:

I lost my heart, under the bridge
To that little girl, so much to me
And now I moan, and now I holler
She'll never know, just what I found

That blue eyed girl, she said "No more"
That blue eyed girl, became blue eyed whore
Down by the water, I took her hand
Just like my daughter, I'll see her again

Oh, help me, Jesus, come through the storm
I had to lose her, to do her harm
I heard her holler, I heard her moan
My lovely daughter, I took her home

Little fish, big fish, swimming in the water
Come back here, man, gimme my daughter

Will our country become China? Will our country mandate population control through "passive Euthanasia", which inevitably results from bureaucratic panels determining whose life is viable according to cost analysis. Will bureaucratic panels determining how many children our "environment" and our "economy" can sustain?

I don't want to find out.

In our current system, the Insurance companies already attempt to ration healthcare. I have, personally, been the victim of this. When I was 27 I was having terrible chest pains complete with numbness and pain down my left arm. A physician administered an EKG to me and determined that my heart had damage consistent with "having suffered multiple heart attacks already." He told me, in no uncertain words that I "would be dead by the time you're are 35-40 years of age."

He wrote me a prescription for a visit to a Cardiologist. The insurance company I was with (an HMO) told me the Cardiologist was booked two months out, so I would have to wait.

So, I demanded the HMO release my EKG into my possession, and I paid my old time family physician out of my own pocket to read the EKG for me.

His diagnosis of the same EKG was absolutely different. I do have a congenital defect in my heart, which is, as I understand it, electrical in nature. One side of my heart does not pump as strongly as the other. My family Doctor explained to me that that was likely the cause, along with stress, of my chest pains. He said that from having read my EKG.

To be sure, he ordered a Stress EKG for me.

When I went in for the Stress EKG, I was experiencing a full-fledged panic attack, brought on by the chest pains which were, by then, almost constant. My blood pressure was skyrocketing.

They hooked me up to the EKG machine, and put me on a treadmill, and had me running uphill.

After having run uphill for five minutes, my blood pressure had actually gone down. And, the resultant EKG readings proved that my heart was strong.

However, it really did not matter to my HMO. I would have had to wait for two months for an appointment, had I listened to them.

The point is, even in an HMO, one presumably has a Physician who is a compassionate intermediary between himself and the cost analysis people. (Clearly, that was not the case in my situation. My Physician seemed completely dispassionate on the subject of whether I, a young man, would live or die - you should have heard the ridiculously happy voice in which he delivered my inevitable death sentence).

I do not trust our bloated government as far as I can throw them on this point. I do not believe they would allow a compassionate Physician to be my intermediary. And, clearly, according to Obama's plan, ultimately, we would all be on the government plan.

Many of us would be determined to be expendable for cost analysis reasons.

Bodies, I am not an animal.

Little fish, big fish, swimming in the water, come back here and give me my daughter.


Damien said...


I really hope we don't become China on this, or many other issues.

Pastorius said...

Hey, maybe I'm being extreme, but I don't trust the government to make decisions on anything but a cost analysis basis.

If I am correct on that, then we will inevitably become a "Brave New World."

Damien said...


I don't think you are being extreme at all. There are arguments against the government funding abortion, that even some pro choicers would agree with.

Pastorius said...

Yes, you are right.

RevereRidesAgain, who is the most pro-choice blogger here at IBA, opposes the Obamacare position on abortion.

nunya said...

We're already paying for abortion through Planned Parenthood. The left is an endangered species who aborted their next generation, which is why they have to import it. Too bad Mexicans are socially conservative and once the gravy train stops, as it has in CA, they'll come around to our side or leave.

The government will let Jews die and spend fortunes on inbred Mohammedans. We can't let this happen.

revereridesagain said...

I do oppose public funding of abortion. That being said, that vicious Sex Pistols song expresses exactly the attitude I mean when I say anti-abortionists hate women. "I am not an animal?" Got news for ya, neither is a woman. You can imagine a 2-week-old fetus thinking anything you want, but the fact is that it can't but the woman can. Yet we are supposed to cringe in shame over what some drugged up filthy little punk band says?

You might want to re-think that stand you say you have about the way Islam treats women. After all, only reason for her being is to have babies, because your god loves them, not busted women. And you think you have the right to tell us what to do with our lives if you hide behind Jesus, so why not Muhammad?

All right, it's 4 am and tomorrow I'm going up to Portsmouth to yell at Obama and I don't need this shit.

Pastorius said...

I didn't write the song, RRA. But, I am directing it and it's wrath at the Obama Admin. Their Obamacare plan to use government funds for abotion is "a fucking disgrace."

And, although it is not articulated clearly in the song, I have a feeling John Lydon (Johnny Rotten) probably knew a bit more about this girl than the song let's on. John Lydon certainly is not a Conservative Christian who is opposed to abortion on Biblical reasons, and he is not opposed to equal rights for women.

Damien said...


Why should we think that anyone who feels any opposition to abortion hates women? I have some problems with abortion myself. Many people, even some who are not religious at all, don't support abortion, especially during the third trimester.

Also, this may come as a shock to you, but the early feminists actually opposed abortion and I can find quotes to back up that statement. Yet obviously they didn't hate women at all, in fact its because of women like Susan B Anthony that you have the right to vote today.