Sunday, April 24, 2011

Female Protester Disrupts Muslim Radicals Rallying in Frankfurt


She is my hero, she's ordinary ...

"I am German, and I am so sorry that someone like him can stand here and speak like Hitler."

"I am so ashamed. Where is everybody?"

"Why are people not standing up in this country of ours?"

"Why are you all keeping your mouths shut?"

"Do you want Germany to be like those countries from which they all came?"


Unknown said...

Hi Pasto.

And the guy with the baseballcap and white shirt keeps going on "Stop it".My guess if there were no cops around he would have trashed the courageous lady.SHE ROCKS!

ACE(india) said...

Man I will find her when I go there :D
(fingers crossed n hopes high)

ronmorgen said...

Love it. Wish more of us were like that. Her courage is astounding.

Silverfiddle said...

She speaks for millions, I bet.

Europe built a secular, liberal society upon the ashes of WW II. They are tolerant people, but the Muslim immigrants are using that tolerance against them.

Sooner or later, this ends ugly...

Alexander Münch said...

Yes Will,

'Stop it', 'Stop it' = "Silence ! I kill you !" ( In Hochdeutsch... )

Anonymous said...

"See, when you give a woman a little freedoms, you risk the chance that she might actually take it and then apply it to something. The fact that so many women never will is relly of little consequence. That is why we call it the law of unintended consequences and it must never be allowed to gain a foothole here."

- "A foothole, Achmud?"

"Yes, you know Hamid, when the bedrock is so close at the surface that the woman simply steps out and walks away while you are still gathering your stones."

- "Yes, I see."

felix said...

Terrific video!

cjk said...

Another crazy attention-whore extremest a la Terry Jones.

EVERYONE who takes a courageous stand against these fiends needsa our support, not derision.