Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Axelrod: Obama’s Slogan Could Be “GM Is Alive, Bin Laden Is Dead”

Or, as Bill Clinton would say, ‘that depends on what the meaning of ‘alive’ is’

When I think of that word it means you can MAKE A PROFIT ON YOUR OWN, and thus be, in the words of the the green, ‘sustainable’. Sustainable is good whether we are talking about fishing grounds, farming, printing on paper, or business profit.

GM and Chrysler (twice now since the 70’s) COULD NOT survive on their own. There can be no doubt looking at the solutions created that the 2 companies who were intubated, and place on ventilation by the govt were ‘saved’ in this way for the benefit of the workers who got paychecks. But that does not mean they are alive either.

GM’s big move backed in full by this govt was the Volt.

In August, GM sold 300 gasoline/electric Volts (after sales of 125 in July). Meanwhile, Nissan sold over 1,300 of its all-electric Nissan Leaf that month. In fact, the Leaf was the fifth best-selling of all alternative fuel vehicle that month, including hybrids and diesel cars, according to

Not to worry, GM spokesman Rob Peterson said.

Let’s put that sales number in perspective. In October One MILLION vehicles were sold in the USA. 539,000 were LIGHT DUTY TRUCKS, and the Number one seller was the Ford F-150. The best selling car? Honda Accord. Sales of light duty pickups are increasing, small sedans like the Accord decreasing. A business strategist might take from this that despite EVERYTHING - Americans want and/or need pickups and dump TONS OF RESEARCH $ into hybrid trucks and natural gas engines.

But the govt, which is attempting to resuscitate this mismanaged and over unioned entity can neither run a business, create a business plan, or execute the poor one they have, NOR CAN THEY SUSTAIN THEMSELVES against real, american competition

Cars come off the line from GM, but they enter the world of the Walking Dead.

Chrysler was moved to an Italian Hosptal, health care loans guaranteed by you and I.

And Bin Laden, YUP, he is dead. Thank you.

The govt has an easier time destroying things and killing people doesn’t it? That’s because the most effective arm of the govt is THE MILITARY.

DISCLOSURE: In my driveway when all the kids are here, are a 4WD Nissan Titan, 2 Camry’s, an Accord, a Hyundai Accent, an AWD Chrysler 300 and a Hyundai AWD Tuscon. We were sure we were getting an F-150 for reasons of price, but Nissan matched Ford. We will look eventually to replace my wife’s Camry with an AWD or 4WD light (small) truck or small SUV. It will probably NOT be GM (they are they govt and might do anything and justify it later politically…. SATURN PARTS ANYONE?) unless their pricing simply cannot be resisted (losing money is easy if you are UNCLE SAM). In Maine there is little point to considering anything with battery power, since in the cold….. The ideal vehicle for the Epa family? An AWD pickup the size and reliability of a Honda Accord powered by a ~ 2 liter diesel with a 5 speed, which gets (as my 1982 Audi 5000D did) 43 mpg.

Until 2005 we had 2 Chevy Wagons, a Chrysler minivan, a mid size Ford, and Dodge Intrepid.

Those in the pay of the govt will NEVER have the kind or volume of incentive it takes to create, save or continue a sustainable profitable entity.

That’s all there is.

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