Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Further Descent Into Absurdity

(With a hat tip to Chuck Thinks Right)

The Catholic University of America

Have you seen this story about Muslim demands at Catholic University? Excerpt:
The Washington, D.C. Office of Human Rights confirmed that it is investigating allegations that Catholic University violated the human rights of Muslim students... by not providing them rooms without Christian symbols for their daily prayers.


...[S]ome Muslim students were particularly offended because they had to meditate in the school’s chapels “and at the cathedral that looms over the entire campus – the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.”...
Read the rest HERE.

Look here, Muslims! Anyone with half a brain knows full well in advance that the institution itself is Roman Catholic and that the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception is a prominent feature of the campus. What would Muslims have Catholic University do? Tear down the shine so as not to offend Muslims?

Muslims, if you don't like that religious tone on the campus, go elsewhere. If you don't like the Basilica, don't look at it.

Catholic University has better things to do than dealing with such nonsense from Muslims, who certainly would not tolerate Christians coming to one of their universities and putting up a fuss about Islamic symbols on campus. But the West jumps through hoops when Muslims complain. Usually, that jumping through hoops costs the defendant, the infidel, money, money, money.

Key facts about the above that might not have been adequately covered:
...In fact, not a single Muslim student at Catholic University has signed on to Professor Banzhaf’s complaint and he admitted...that he lodged the complaint against Catholic with the D.C. Office of Human Rights as a concerned individual, not on behalf of any student or group of students....
The professor bringing the legal complaint against Catholic University of America is John F. Banzhaf III of George Washington University. Banzhaf is known for the following:
In short, Banzhaf is an attorney who runs personal responsibility out of the courtroom, instead blaming McDonald’s for obesity and cigarette companies for smokers’ lung cancer.
Too bad that the American justice system doesn't impose severe penalties upon attorneys who instigate frivolous legal actions.


Anonymous said...

Don't you think they should remove all the crosses & statues at the Vatican?

Avraham said...

I remember being in a church once. (I am Jewish) As far as i recall it had a cross in it in very prominent place. what would happened i wonder if a Muslim would walk into it. Would they not be offended? Perhaps we should require all churches to take down the crosses and put a half moon instead? Would that make the Muslim then not offended. somehow I don't think so. It seems to me that the entire existence of Judaism and Christianity offends them.

Anonymous said...

why don't they put this one at the church:

lol :D

What is Wrong With Western Elites?


One could also successfully argue that there are deep underlying structures and ideas in Western culture and mentality at work here, too, for instance the concept of “universal egalitarianism” that could be found already in Greco-Roman Antiquity, and especially in Christianity. This was secularized after the Enlightenment in the form of human rights. Present-day Globalists, regardless of whether they come in a Socialist or a capitalist shape, can exploit these ideals.

this fucktard:


Reaganite Independent said...

Speaking as a church going Catholic, the University needs to tell them to GO TO HELL

They'll be going there anyway lol

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

CAIR's Ibe Hooper posted a statement about this issue here . . .
Quote: "Ibrahim Hooper of CAIR called the complaint “a non-issue”. He further said: “Muslims pray all the time in various locations. A Muslim can pray anywhere, practically, from a bus station to a classroom to a cubicle at work. Hooper acknowledged that distracting images are present in many locations, but said that they should not prevent Muslims from focusing on their prayers. “These kinds of things occur every day,” he said. “Particularly at a Catholic institution, you would assume that there would be Catholic symbols in locations throughout the university.” End Quote

Hooper's words should serve the counter-jihad effort well when confronting various and sundry efforts to foist Islamic standards with footbaths, prayer rooms and break times upon ALL non-Muslim entities from here on in.

SamenoKami said...

It is interesting that a place of prayer for a Christian can be any place the Christian can find to pray. An altar can be a tree stump. It is the position of the heart not the body that is important.
I could pray in the middle of Mecca and not be hindered by the crap surrounding me nor afraid that G_d would not hear my prayer because of where I am physically.
The Islamic god must be a whiny, little bitch if everything has to be just so-so in order for prayer to be heard.

Epaminondas said...

Time to Occupy Cath U. I'm sure if this SOLITARY prof was out there in a tent with a sign, he'd get national coverage for this 'critical issue'