Sunday, January 11, 2015

Giuliani to DiBlasio: Put cops back in mosques after Hebdo assassinations

Giuliani to DiBlasio: Put cops back in mosques after Hebdo assassinations
Former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani called on current Mayor Bill de Blasio to place NYPD personnel in the city’s mosques yesterday, after Islamic extremists slaughtered the staff of the Parisian magazine Charlie Hebdo. 
Speaking on Fox News, Mr. Giuliani criticized his successor for ending a two decade-old policy of planting police informants in Muslim houses of worship, and urged him to again assign cops to keep tabs on the religious institutions. 
The former mayor argued such action was justified because the conspirators behind the 1993 World Trade Center attack met in mosques, and subsequent investigations led to arrest and the conviction of militant Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman, who hoped to launch attacks in the transit system. 
“The mayor of New York, one of the first things he did was he pulled all of the police out of the mosques. Well, you know who put the police in the mosques? I did. You know who increased the number of police in the mosques? Kelly and Bloomberg,” Mr. Giuliani told host Greta Van Susteren. 
“And why did I do it? Because the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993 was organized in a mosque. The blind sheikh, who went to jail for a hundred years, was planning to blow up our subways in a mosque.” 
Mr. Giuliani argued that the threat of terrorism today is greater than ever, as exemplified by the massacre in France. “I think it is becoming more difficult for us,” he said. 
“I think we have to expect this is going to happen in the United States, I hate to say that.”

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