Monday, March 16, 2015

Vatican backs Using Military Force Against ISIS

Please, Mr. Violent Man, Come and Do My Bidding

Yesterday, we reported this:

Vatican Security Chief Says, ISIS Threat On Pope Is Real

And today, we have this:

Vlad Tepes blog comments:
Now that the Vatican itself is in the cross hairs. But while a genocide against Christians in Egypt, Syria, Iraq and elsewhere was taking place at the hands of jihadis, it was all love peace and understanding towards muslims.
From the BBC:
The Vatican says force may be necessary to stop attacks on Christians and other Middle East minorities by Islamic State (IS) if no political solution is found. 
Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, the Vatican’s top diplomat at the UN in Geneva, said jihadists were committing “genocide” and must be stopped. 
The Vatican traditionally opposes military intervention in the region. 
However, Pope Francis decried the beheading in February of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians by IS in Libya. 
The militants have targeted minority religious groups in the parts of Syria and Iraq under their control. Thousands more people have been forced to flee their homes.

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