All of us, every single man, woman, and child on the face of the Earth were born with the same unalienable rights; to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And, if the governments of the world can't get that through their thick skulls, then, regime change will be necessary.
Thursday, September 27, 2018
"Modern life has broken too many women. They have been on birth control pills for 30 years, their hormones are shot, they have had multiple abortions, they live with the regret of killing their own children. They drove away any man who ever loved them or tried to love them. Their grown children (if they have any) can't stand them. They are pleasant to their face but they feel like strangers.
They tried to find love in wild sex and found it hollowed them out like empty shells. They take medication for their depression. When the vegan restaurant down the street gives them food poisoning they are all alone, with no one to care for them. They vomit into an apartment toilet among silence.
They own nothing. They have built nothing. They cry every day. They look at younger women who didn't take the feminist path and fume with hatred. They can't stand their sweet children, their loving husbands, or their happy life. Their hate consumes them.
Co-workers and family members whisper behind their backs. These people avoid the woman's phone calls and mute them on Facebook, sick to death of their ranting and lunacy. They have become a joke. They are desperate to hear the words "mama" and "grandma" but the words never come and so they fill the empty place with binge eating and more hate.
They thought they fought all their lives for "love" and for women to have it "better" than it used to be. They cannot confront the truth and so they double down, becoming more extreme, more irrational.
The tradmoms grow happy in their old age, wrinkles do not dull their rosy cheeks, but the bitter women look around and see only people who are waiting for them to die. They are a burden and they know it. It eats at them every day.
One more check, one more group, one more protest, one more Tweet, one more lie and they will finally feel whole.....but the wholeness never comes.
"That nice, successful husband and father she knew in high school...ya, he wanted her so bad, he tried to rape her. That's it. Ya, that makes her feel better. For the moment. "
Yeah right, send 'em all back to the kitchen, nursery, bedroom and church. Keep 'em barefoot and pregnant. Close the universities to females! Any woman who wants something besides reading "Good Night Moon" to her babies every night is un-natural. She should have no names but "mama" and "grandma". Honestly, do you Christians ever listen to yourselves? You reduce our lives to formula and then wonder why we don't love you.
Well, I might as well stop commenting. You consider someone like me worthless anyway.
RRA, Let me share with you my experience during the Sexual Revolution here in Northern Virginia.
Back when I was in college (1968-1972), I had a college parking sticker on my bumper. More than one man said to me, either on a date or before he asked me out on a date, "You are in college, so you must be on the pill. So put out now, baby."
But I had one ace up my sleeve: I was only 16 years old, so touching me in any sexual way was statutory rape, and I got out of many a dicey situation. I kept my driver's license at the ready.
By the time I was 18, I hated the Sexual Revolution and found out how to handle the situation, and I made a point of never going out on a first date with anyone who knew that I had a college parking sticker on my car. I had few damn dates: only 2 I believe, and the 2nd date was the man that I marred.
Not so for my best friend in college. A virgin at the time, she was raped by a diplomat's son, who saw and made assumptions from the college parking sticker on her car. We got legal advice: there really was no legal recourse. The rape ruined her life. Seventy years old now, she lives like a hermit -- way out in the country. She has lived that way since 1974.
I didn't grow up as the child or grandchild of a woman who stayed home barefoot and pregnant. Both my mother and my grandmother worked as federal employees until they retired, Mom on cardiac disability and my grandmother until she was full retirement age.
I believe that there is a middle road between the Sexual Revolution and barefoot & pregnant.
Pathetic and true.
I agree with LL
Yeah right, send 'em all back to the kitchen, nursery, bedroom and church. Keep 'em barefoot and pregnant. Close the universities to females! Any woman who wants something besides reading "Good Night Moon" to her babies every night is un-natural. She should have no names but "mama" and "grandma". Honestly, do you Christians ever listen to yourselves? You reduce our lives to formula and then wonder why we don't love you.
Well, I might as well stop commenting. You consider someone like me worthless anyway.
Let me share with you my experience during the Sexual Revolution here in Northern Virginia.
Back when I was in college (1968-1972), I had a college parking sticker on my bumper. More than one man said to me, either on a date or before he asked me out on a date, "You are in college, so you must be on the pill. So put out now, baby."
But I had one ace up my sleeve: I was only 16 years old, so touching me in any sexual way was statutory rape, and I got out of many a dicey situation. I kept my driver's license at the ready.
By the time I was 18, I hated the Sexual Revolution and found out how to handle the situation, and I made a point of never going out on a first date with anyone who knew that I had a college parking sticker on my car. I had few damn dates: only 2 I believe, and the 2nd date was the man that I marred.
Not so for my best friend in college. A virgin at the time, she was raped by a diplomat's son, who saw and made assumptions from the college parking sticker on her car. We got legal advice: there really was no legal recourse. The rape ruined her life. Seventy years old now, she lives like a hermit -- way out in the country. She has lived that way since 1974.
I didn't grow up as the child or grandchild of a woman who stayed home barefoot and pregnant. Both my mother and my grandmother worked as federal employees until they retired, Mom on cardiac disability and my grandmother until she was full retirement age.
I believe that there is a middle road between the Sexual Revolution and barefoot & pregnant.
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