Tuesday, June 04, 2019

German Politician - Who Told German People If They Don't Like Merkel's Importation of Muslims, They Should Go Live Somewhere Else - Found Dead In His Garden With Gunshot To His Head

My Legacy Has Been My Hatred For My Own People

Did someone murder him? That would be a surprise, huh?
The president of the regional council of the central German city of Kassel was found dead in his garden early on Sunday morning. 
A spokesman for Walter Lübcke’s party, the conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU), confirmed the 65-year-old’s death late on Sunday. 
Regional news outlet HNA reported that Lübcke had been found with a bullet wound in his head and that police had found no weapon at the scene. 
State police did not comment on the HNA report. They said in a statement that they were investigating the matter. 
Police helicopters circled above the deceased’s home as locals were interviewed by law enforcement officers, according to HNA. 
The public prosecutor’s office in Kassel announced that they would release more details on Monday. 
The CDU described the Lübcke as a “bridge builder” who never shied away from “telling it as it is.”
German mayor: "If you don't like our immigration policy, you can leave Germany."


Anonymous said...

A traitor's reward. Glad to hear of it

thelastenglishprince said...

It is possible he was becoming enriched from refugee migration. It was big business for Lutheran and Catholic charities, Refugee Resettlement. Don't imagine for a minute that compassion drove that engine. It was greed. There is money to be made and probably enviable salaries and travel expense accounts for the top executives.

On the other hand, his secret gay lover could have shot him. wink

Redneck Texan said...

More of this please.