Friday, June 07, 2019

The Crisis At The Border

From J.J. Sefton:
First up, we have the continuing crisis at the border as well as the resistance to the President's sane, legal and effective countermeasure of tariffs to force Mexico to stop aiding and abetting what amounts to an invasion of America an the attempt to erase our national sovereignty. 
If you want to understand how effective the tariffs or threat of tariffs are, look no further than the volume and shrillness of the attacks against them by both Democrats and Republicans. 
There's also the minor detail that Mexico is crying uncle and has stopped the next wave of thousands from getting near the Rio Grande and has sent troops to its southern border with Guatemala and Honduras to stop the invaders at the source. 
Mexico is also telling us that the money that's funding this premeditated invasion is coming from both our side of the border and from across the Atlantic. I smell the hands of a certain Nazi collaborator all over this, but I digress. 
Look, there is no doubt that this is a crisis that threatens our national security and our national identity, that is to say what there is of it that hasn't been completely subsumed by 60 years of Democrat-Leftist cultural rot. 
And it is they who've been deliberately sabotaging our national security since 1965 (rot in Hell, Teddy Kennedy) so as to import a permanent underclass that will give them permanent political power at the ballot box. 
So, yes, Mexico is a foreign power that has been sabotaging us for decades. But if you consider nothing else that the Democrat-Left has done to destroy this nation in its lust for power, this act alone is tantamount to treason. Meh, how many divisions do I have?

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