Sunday, July 14, 2019

PREDATOR: Jeffrey Epstein Dodged Questions About Sex With His Dalton Prep-School Students

It took a clandestine FBI-NYPD joint sting operation to arrest the elusive convicted sex offender Jeffrey E. Epstein on Saturday July 6th on the tarmac of Teterboro airport in New Jersey (a story first broken by The Daily Beast). 
Simultaneously, a sledgehammer was used to break the entry to his massive $77 million New York City townhouse on East 71st Street. 
Police recovered hundreds, possibly thousands, of nude images of young women and girls—an automatic legal problem for a man who is on multiple sex offender registries. 
Epstein’s case may be one of the most extreme cases of organized child abuse in modern history. His alleged victims were little girls, often economically destitute or runaways or orphans—from sixth graders to high-school sophomores. 
Because his alleged crimes span multiple decades, his victims likely number in the hundreds—or more. 
“Unnoticed by almost everybody, travelling with her was a greying, plumpish, middle-aged American businessman who managed to avoid the photographers.” —Mail on Sunday, Nov. 15, 1992 (London edition) 
That businessman was Jeffrey Epstein.
This is actually a very compelling, detailed, and important article.

I highly suggest you go and read the whole thing.

1 comment:

thelastenglishprince said...

Sociopathic genius with extreme predatory fantasies acted out against young girls.

The man needs chemical castration.

*Never thought those words would come out of my mouth!

What needs to be done regarding the "Justice system" that protected him? Again - justice does not always come to the poor or the destitute and it rarely reaches out to grasp the powerful until the FUBAR is so massive that it must be dealt with in face-saving manner.
Thankful for the federal and local agencies who took the man down.