Sunday, July 14, 2019

Syrian ‘refugee’ breaks teacher’s jaw as she searches for his knife

A 14-year-old Syrian hit his female teacher five to six times — he had received negative attention in the past. 
The youth from Möriken-Wildegg talked a lot about the Quran, and during recess instructed girls to dress more modestly. 
The case caused shock: last week the Argauer Zeitungpublished the news, that in Möriken-Wildegg a student from the Chestenberg school broke the jaw of a teacher by punching her with his fist. 
He did this when she wanted to find out if the Syrian secondary-school student was carrying a knife — as he had already done in the past. This time the case was taken up by the Weltwochejournalist Alex Baur. 
According to his research it is about a 14-year-old “M”. He allegedly comes from a Syrian family with numerous children, who came to Switzerland exactly five years previously and allegedly lives on welfare. 
His German is good, and he is described as “quite intelligent, self-confident and quick-witted.”

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