Saturday, July 13, 2019

Tom Homan Brutally RAPES Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez In Full View Of The Whole World, Nancy Pelosi Masturbates In Ecstacy

The other day, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accused Nancy Pelosi of racism for her criticism of Ocasio-Whoretez.

Then Ocasio-Cortez said Nancy Pelosi was inciting people to threaten murder against Ocasio-Whortez.

So I am quite sure Pelosi loved watching Tom Homan brutally rape Occasional-Cortex:

It really is horrible of Homan to do Ocasio-Whortez like that. He could at least be gentle. After all, she seems to totally lack experience. But as we can see, Homan is undiscerning in who he rapes, woman or man. Watch how he prison rapes Mr. Garcia:

Ow, that's gotta hurt.

These are crimes against humanity we are witnessing here, people. These are full-on NAZI sex attacks.

Where is Antifa when we need them?

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