Friday, March 20, 2020

THE CORONAVIRUS PROPHECIES: Battle of the Billionaires

One way the Coronavirus Prophecies*** can be understood is as a war between competing world visions - Globalism vs Nationalism - with Billionaires  facing off in a kind of Mutual Assured Destruction.

The Globalists decided to wage Economic Warfare against the Nationalists by inventing a worldwide Virus hysteria that requires us all to stay in our houses.

This puts a huge crushing weight on the marketplace. The marketplace is probably functioning at about 70% right now. People need food and essentials, but we don't need to go to movies, amusement parks, Casinos, vacations, Massage businesses, etc.

When you look at that list, you realize Trump and the Nationalists actually have the upper hand. Those businesses are the purview of the Ultra Left. Most of the people in those businesses have a Globalist mindset dominated by the worship of Gaia, and airy-fairy New Age bullshit.

The people in the essential industries, banking, packaging, Construction (New medical offices, hospitals, etc), home repair, AC and Heating, are more likely to be salt of the Earth types, and, yes, Nationalists.

So, how long can the Billionaires train their weapons at each other before one blinks?


*** I've decided to call the current virus hysteria "The Coronavirus Prophecies" because it requires a religious faith; a deep belief in apocalypse, and a lack of Hope.

1 comment:

Always On Watch said...

Globalism vs Nationalism...Billionaires facing off in a kind of Mutual Assured Destruction.

Could well be.