Friday, March 20, 2020


Hydroxychloroquin is a prescription drug currently approved for Malaria. It is a ZINC IONOPHORE. Intercellular Zinc can interrupt the virus replication. But it needs an ionophore to increase the intracellur Zinc.******** 

The zinc attached is what is actually the active agent against COVID-19.The chloroquine is needed to transport the zinc************* 
“Mylan to restart production of hydroxychloroquine”… into the virus. 
“In addition, recent guidelines from South Korea and China reportthat hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are effective antiviraltherapeutic treatments for novel coronavirus.A therapeutic agent that prevents infection with novel coronavirus ishighly desirable–especially for persons with high-risk exposure (e.ghealthcare professionals) as well as persons with comorbidities (heartdisease, diabetes, etc) and compromised immune systems. Ground-breakingin vitro studies demonstrate potential efficacy of hydroxychloroquine asa prophylactic for novel coronavirus infection in primate cells.”
Now, how are we going to have an Apocalypse?

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