Wednesday, March 18, 2020

GOOD NEWS: China To Expel American Journalists

China To Expel American Journalists…

In the latest escalation of tensions between the two superpowers, China announced on Tuesday that it would expel American journalists working for The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post. 
It also demanded that those outlets, as well as the Voice of America and Time magazine, provide the Chinese government with detailed information about their operations. 
The announcement, made by China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, came weeks after the Trump administration limited the number of Chinese citizens who could work in the United States for five state-controlled Chinese news organizations to 100. 
China instructed American journalists “whose press credentials are due to expire before the end of 2020” to “notify the Department of Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs within four calendar days starting from today and hand back their press cards within ten calendar days.” 
It went on to specify that the American journalists now working in China “will not be allowed to continue working as journalists in the People’s Republic of China, including its Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions.”
This is good news because it will make it that much harder for the Communists in our media outlets to suck Chinese cock and spit out the cum as propaganda.


Anonymous said...

Was this a "red flag" accusation in MD? Article liked below - worth exploring
Why did a Maryland SWAT team attack a peaceful home at 4:30 a.m. firing into the bedroom window where Duncan Lemp
@YungQuant slept before throwing in concussion bombs & killing him?

Anonymous said...

BREAKING: Justin Trudeau grants media accreditation to Baodong Li of Xinhua and Yun Wu of the People's Daily, but continues to ban reporters from
@RebelNewsOnline from press conferences.
Xinhua and People's Daily are Communist Party of China propaganda organs.

Anonymous said...

Canada's Trudeau can be predicted accurately if you watch what he does and do not listen to what he says. To those, it was obvious he had no intention of changing his population replacement and Canada-negation program.

===>During the news conference @BillBlair confirmed that the illegal border crossing at Roxham Road is and will remain open despite the government saying the borders are closed to all foreign nationals except Americans. And apparently anyone who can get there. #COVID19 #coronavirus

Anonymous said...

Chinese nationals who travel tend to support the CCP.

They sincerely believe China can do no wrong.

Our enemy is their government, not them.

But I hope Coronavirus wakes them up to the pure evil of the people they defend.

WATCH the full vid