Wednesday, March 18, 2020

How Frightened Are You?

Are you,

Rolling around on the floor, frothing, making gargling sounds, and vomiting acid and frothy sputum?

Tear your pubic hair out and stuffing it in your mouth, attempting to chew it and swallow it, only to gag, and fall into a puddle of useless tears?

Taking your temperature every five minutes, in such a state of anxiety that you chew on the glass thermometer, and crunch it between your teeth, only to come away with a mouthful of glass and mercury?

Or, are you one of the rational people, whose response is to  simply cede all your Civil Liberties to the Government?


Anonymous said...

Thought you were describing Joe Biden. I figure he's a couple months away from scribbling on the walls with his feces.

Pastorius said...

LOL - That means he is the perfect person to represent the Democrat Party.

Pete Rowe said...

Joe Biden at the second debate vs. Trump: "I said, 'It puts the lotion on its skin....'"

revereridesagain said...

Will need brain sanitizer to get Silence of Biden's Lambs images out of mine...

What I am is bored. Got the car inspected yesterday because there was nothing else to do. I think it is about my age in car years and now is certified healthy as am I. Coronavirus panic as template for the Green New Deal is much scarier.

Pastorius said...

You mean like UBI?