Tuesday, March 10, 2020


Two things are true at the same time: Wuhan Coronavirus should be taken seriously as a public health danger, and Democrats and the media are trying to weaponize it for election purposes. 
In September 2009, I caught Swine Flu during the semester when I was at Cornell in Ithaca. It was brutal. 
For the first time I understood how the flu could kill someone. It went straight for my lungs. It felt like someone parked a truck on my chest, and I had high fever. 
I was lucky to be able to get to a doctor before it became really bad and was given Tamiflu and the types of inhalers people with asthma use to keep my lungs open. I needed refills on the inhalers, and I’m convinced they kept me alive. 
The good news was that I lost 15 lbs. in two weeks, and fit into clothing I hadn’t fit into in years. The bad news is that I almost died to get there, and gained the weight back in a month. 
I was not alone. 700 people at Cornell contracted Swine Flu by September 2009, whereas the much larger Syracuse University an hour north had only 5 cases, showing how unpredictable the spread was. 
A Cornell student with a preexisting respiratory condition died.

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